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Created April 24, 2020 21:36
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Snippet to count contiguous islands in a grid
from collections import namedtuple
Node = namedtuple('Node', 'row col')
class IslandCounter:
def __init__(self, ocean_map): = ocean_map
self.max_row = len(ocean_map)
self.max_col = len(ocean_map[0])
def is_land(self, node):
return[node.row][node.col] == 1
def valid_node(self, node):
valid_row = 0 <= node.row < self.max_row
valid_col = 0 <= node.col < self.max_col
return valid_row and valid_col
def neighbors(self, node):
all_neighbors = [
Node(node.row + 1, node.col),
Node(node.row - 1, node.col),
Node(node.row, node.col + 1),
Node(node.row, node.col - 1)
return [neighbor for neighbor in all_neighbors if self.valid_node(neighbor)]
def explore_island(self, node, seen_land):
for neighbor in self.neighbors(node):
if self.is_land(neighbor) and neighbor not in seen_land:
self.explore_island(neighbor, seen_land)
def count(self):
num_islands = 0
seen_land = set()
for row in range(self.max_row):
for col in range(self.max_col):
node = Node(row, col)
if node in seen_land or not self.is_land(node):
num_islands += 1
self.explore_island(node, seen_land)
return num_islands
# Testcases
ocean1 = [
ocean2 = [
ocean3 = [
ocean4 = [
ocean5 = [
assert(1 == IslandCounter(ocean1).count())
assert(2 == IslandCounter(ocean2).count())
assert(1 == IslandCounter(ocean3).count())
assert(4 == IslandCounter(ocean4).count())
assert(1 == IslandCounter(ocean5).count())
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