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Last active June 2, 2017 09:23
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Stone | Paper | Scissors
# Stone Paper Scissors
import random
import os
def cls(): # to clear the screen
os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')
def match_up(user_ch):
op = ["Stone", "Paper", "Scissors"]
comp_ch = random.choice(op)
print("\nMATCH UP!\n")
print(">>You chose: {}\n>>Computer chose: {}\n".format(user_ch, comp_ch))
if user_ch == comp_ch:
print("Whoops! Same same! Try again...")
return 0
elif user_ch == "Stone":
if comp_ch == "Scissors":
print("You win! Stone slams the scissors! xD")
return 1
elif comp_ch == "Paper":
print("You lose! Paper wraps around the stone! :(")
return -1
elif user_ch == "Paper":
if comp_ch == "Stone":
print("You win! Paper wraps around the stone! ^_^")
return 1
elif comp_ch == "Scissors":
print("You lose! Scissors glides through the paper. :x")
return -1
elif user_ch == "Scissors":
if comp_ch == "Paper":
print("You win! Scissors glides through the paper! :D")
return 1
elif comp_ch == "Stone":
print("Whoops! You lose! Stone will smash your scissors. :/")
return -1
input() # to wait for user to continue
def main():
user_score, computer_score = 0, 0
while True:
flag = 0
print("\n\t\tWelcome to STONE|PAPER|SCISSORS!\n")
print("\t\t\tUser - {}\t Computer - {}".format(user_score, computer_score))
user_ch = input("\nSelect from the following options:\n(S) Stone \t(P) Paper \t(X) Scissors\n\n>>Enter your choice: ").lower()
choice = {"s": "Stone", "p": "Paper", "x": "Scissors"}
flag = match_up(choice.get(user_ch, "\n\n***Wrong choice entered, try again***"))
if flag == 1:
user_score += 1
elif flag == -1:
computer_score += 1
input() # to wait for user to continue
if __name__ == '__main__':
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