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Last active December 25, 2024 07:00
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  • Save jatinkrmalik/e4e8d1c04ff0d3e75d5254118ca25996 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Bulk add everyone on "My Network" tab on LinkedIn
/*#### Bulk add everyone on "My Network" tab on LinkedIn with cooldown ####*/
// ---==== Steps to use ====---
// 1. Go to
// 2. Open Dev Console in your browser. Google "how to open dev console in <your-browser-name> for instructions".
// 3. Type `allow pasting` in the console and press Enter to enable script pasting in Chrome (required as Chrome blocks pasting scripts by default).
// 4. Go to Console tab.
// 5. Paste the script below into the console window and press enter.
// 6. Configure coolDownTime as desired.
// 7. ????
// 8. Profit
const coolDownTime = 500; // Cooldown time between clicks in milliseconds
const buttons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".invitation-card__action-container button.artdeco-button--secondary"));
let index = 0;
function clickNextButton() {
if (index >= buttons.length) {
console.log("All invitations have been processed.");
const button = buttons[index];;
console.log(`Accepted invitation ${index + 1} of ${buttons.length}.`);
setTimeout(clickNextButton, coolDownTime);
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  • Added Cooldown Feature: Introduced a configurable coolDownTime variable to delay button clicks, simulating organic behavior.
  • Sequential Execution: Updated the script to click invitation buttons one at a time instead of simultaneously.
  • Improved Logging: Added console logs to track the progress of actions.
  • Step for Chrome Console: Included a step to type allow pasting in Chrome's DevTools console to bypass script-pasting restrictions.


  • Initial script to bulk-accept LinkedIn invitations without delays.

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