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SELECT *, ''||urlencode (address)||'&sensor=false&fov=110' as image_with_address
FROM example_addresses
jatorre / gist:1377437b4b80e0ab11f8
Created December 28, 2014 17:19
Embed this interactive visualization
<iframe width='100%' height='520' frameborder='0' src='' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>
jatorre / index.html
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11 — forked from andrewxhill/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />,%20ST_Y(the_geom)%20AS%20lat,%20ST_X(the_geom)%20AS%20lon,%20network_id,%20category_NAME,%20status,%20hotspots,%20metadata%20FROM%20pois%20WHERE%20the_geom%20%26%26%20ST_MakeEnvelope(0,%200,%20180,%2090,%204326)
||'&sensor=false&fov=110' as image
FROM table_2012_entire_tree_down_complaints_sandy
jatorre / gist:9368356
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
CartoDB 2 Sales/Account manager position
CartoDB 2 Sales/Account manager position
Who we are:
We are building the easiest and most powerful data mapping engine ever.
We have more than 40.000 loving users (growing rapidly) and customers
from all around the world. We have received awesome reviews from all the
key tech and startup media like Mashable today. And we have offices in
downtown Madrid and New York.
Our team of engineers and designers are changing the way maps are made.
jatorre / gist:9352791
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Vizzuality is looking for an awesome Office Manager in Madrid
Who we are:
We are building the easiest and most powerful data mapping engine ever. We have more than 40.000
loving users (growing rapidly) and customers from all around the world. We have received awesome
reviews from all the key tech and startup media like Mashable today. And we have offices in
downtown Madrid and New York.
Our team of engineers and designers are changing the way maps are made. This is a big task, we
need to scale! Because of that we need to complement our strong technical arm with your
organizational expertise and results driven attitude.
jatorre / gist:7401056
Created November 10, 2013 17:19
Removing the requirement for xml support on resolving tables function
-- Return an array of table names scanned by a given query
-- Requires PostgreSQL 9.x+
RETURNS name[]
AS $$
exp JSON;
tables NAME[];
WITH summary_groups as(
WITH summary as (
select (row_number() over (order by time asc nulls last)+1)/2 as rownum,time
from sensor_log_2013_10_27_12_01
order by time asc)
max(time) OVER(PARTITION BY rownum) -
min(time) OVER(PARTITION BY rownum) diff
FROM summary)