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Created February 13, 2020 20:27
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% Prolog translation of the key functions in
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(dicts)).
% if ???
% if(context, cond, then, else).
% get Index-th element in list - alias of nth0 from lists library
deref(Index, List, Elem) :- nth0(Index, List, Elem).
% set dict[key] to value - alias of put_dict from dicts library
dict_insert(Key, DictIn, Value, DictOut) :- put_dict(Key, DictIn, Value, DictOut).
% get head of list
head([H|_], H).
% integer range
% see
range_func(Lo, Lo, _).
range_func(Out, Lo, Hi) :- NewLo is Lo+1, range_func(Out, NewLo, Hi).
% reduce
% ???
% partial
% ???
% lambdas ???
% div
div(X, Y, X_div_Y) :- X_div_Y is X/Y.
% slice
% could use this implementation or produce my own
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