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Last active July 31, 2023 07:11
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Price oracle manipulation strategies
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from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import requests
from web3 import Web3
from gql import gql, Client
from gql.transport.requests import RequestsHTTPTransport
from keys import API_KEYS
tokens = (
"WETH", # calling ETH directly gives error, probably because it's not ERC20 compliant
# Unit conversion
wei = 18
# WBTC & USDC not expressed in weis; i calculated these factors empirically, don't know where they come from
units = {
'WBTC': 8,
'USDC': 6,
# see on etherscan
uniswap_factory_address = "0x5C69bEe701ef814a2B6a3EDD4B1652CB9cc5aA6f"
## h/t
# Select your transport with a defined url endpoint
transport = RequestsHTTPTransport(
# Create a GraphQL client using the defined transport
client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)
# Use infura to fetch and call smart contracts via HTTP
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(f'{API_KEYS["infura"]}'))
def get_reserves(token0, token1, cache='reserves.json'):
_token0, _token1, pool = get_uniswap_pool(token0, token1)
reserve0, reserve1, blockTimeStampLast = pool.functions.getReserves().call()
decimals0, decimals1 = map(get_decimals, (_token0, _token1))
ret = OrderedDict({
_token0: reserve0 / 10**decimals0,
_token1: reserve1 / 10**decimals1,
# TODO switch to csv cache so you don't have to parse the whole file every time you want to append
if cache:
with open(cache, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
data[f'{_token0}/{_token1}'] = ret
with open(cache, 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f)
return ret
def get_marginal_price(token0, token1):
"""Marginal price of `token0` in units of `token1`"""
_token0, _token1, pool = get_uniswap_pool(token0, token1)
reserve0, reserve1, blockTimeStampLast = pool.functions.getReserves().call()
decimals0, decimals1 = map(get_decimals, (_token0, _token1))
reserve0 /= 10**decimals0
reserve1 /= 10**decimals1
return reserve0 / reserve1, f"{_token0}/{_token1}"
def get_uniswap_pool(token0, token1):
Get contract object representing the Uniswap pool between `token0` and `token1`.
@param token0, token1: String e.g. "DAI" or "WETH". Token symbols are searched on Uniswap's subgraph. The contract with that symbol and highest number of transactions is returned.
@return (tokenA, tokenB, pool): `(tokenA, tokenB)` are the pool tokens _in the order they are defined by the contract_. `pool` is the contract object.
address0, address1 = map(get_token_address, (token0, token1))
uniswap_factory = get_contract_from_address(uniswap_factory_address)
pool_address = uniswap_factory.functions.getPair(address0, address1).call()
pool = get_contract_from_address(pool_address)
_address0, _address1 = pool.functions.token0().call(), pool.functions.token1().call()
if _address0 == address0 and \
_address1 == address1:
return (token0, token1, pool)
elif _address0 == address1 and \
_address1 == address0:
print(f"WARNING: You requested {token0}/{token1} but this pool is {token1}/{token0}")
return (token1, token0, pool)
raise Exception("Pool symbols don't match")
def get_decimals(token, graphql_client=client, web3_provider=web3):
contract = get_contract_from_address(get_token_address(token, graphql_client=graphql_client), web3_provider=web3_provider)
return contract.functions.decimals().call()
except ABIFunctionNotFound:
print(f"{token} ERC20 contract has no `decimals` function. Defaulting to {units.get(token, wei)}.")
return units.get(token, wei)
def get_token_address(token, graphql_client=client):
# graphQL magic
# TODO use graphene, it's safer
query = gql(f"""
tokens(where: {{symbol:"{token}"}}, orderBy:txCount, orderDirection: desc, first: 1){{
result = client.execute(query)
assert len(result['tokens']) == 1, f"Found more than one token with name {token}"
# TODO addresses are not checksum
# I don't know if this is TheGraph's or Uniswap's fault
# I'm fixing it myself but this is a hack and it's not safe
return Web3.toChecksumAddress(result['tokens'][0]['id'])
def get_contract_from_address(address, web3_provider=web3):
"""Get web3 contract object from address. Calls etherscan's API to retrieve ABI."""
abi = get_abi(address)
contract = web3.eth.contract(address=address, abi=abi)
return contract
def get_abi(address):
# TODO work around API limit of 5 calls / sec
response = requests.get(
rjson = response.json()
if rjson['status']=='1' and rjson['message']=='OK':
return rjson['result']
raise Exception(rjson['message'])
def get_twap(pool, t0, t1):
Get time-weighted average price of a token pair between times `t0` and `t1`.
@param t0
@param t1
# TODO see
if __name__=='__main__':
reserves = {}
for i, t0 in enumerate(tokens):
for j, t1 in enumerate(tokens):
if j<=i: continue
reserves[f'{t0}/{t1}'] = get_reserves(t0, t1)
with open('reserves.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(reserves, f)
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This looks like a great start!

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