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Created May 22, 2015 14:00
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Image service - S3 client acess - 1652 ms
should allow access to uploaded files by the app - 1041 ms
should not allow web access to uploaded files - 392 ms
should not allow an unauthorised user to access the bucket - 218 ms
Image service - upload limit - 972 ms
should reject uploads if they are over 2MB - 652 ms
should allow uploads if they are under 2MB - 320 ms
#uploadFileForPublicAccess - 341 ms
should upload a file to a bucket with public read access - 341 ms
#removePublicFile - 281 ms
should delete a file from the public bucket - 281 ms
Public client security policy - 810 ms
should allow access to uploaded files by the app - 345 ms
should allow web access to uploaded files - 454 ms
should not allow an unauthorised user to write to the bucket - 11 ms
Acceptance tests - 15374 ms
Organisations and their properties - 87 ms
Organisations have access to only their own properties - 87 ms
Creating Tenancies - 71 ms
Tenancies have a default status of on the market - 37 ms
Tenancies have their workflow items defaulted to false - 34 ms
Tenancies proceeding to Tenancy Agreement - 667 ms
Tenancies cannot proceed to AST if tenant ID step not completed - 125 ms
Tenancies cannot proceed to AST if tenant guarantor not approved nor opted out - 124 ms
Tenancies can proceed to AST if tenant guarantor is opted out (with all other approvals) - 160 ms
Tenancies cannot proceed to AST if house is not full and part-full house not approved - 81 ms
Tenancies can proceed to AST if steps completed and house full - 101 ms
Tenancies can proceed to AST if steps completed and part-full house approved - 76 ms
Tenancy status setting - 45 ms
Tenancy status can only be set to one of three values, representing on the market, under offer, or let - 45 ms
Tenancy reset - 200 ms
Resetting a tenancy should set its status to 'reset' - 98 ms
Resetting a tenancy should leave all the other fields untouched - 102 ms
Creating a new tenancy from another (used during reset) - 262 ms
Should create a new tenancy with these properties copied: property, spaces, price, startDate, tenancyAgreementTemplateID - 74 ms
Should create a new tenancy with no holding payment or security deposit - 98 ms
Should create a a new tenancy with the status "on the market" - 90 ms
Creating a tenancy agreement - 4645 ms
should create a tenancy agreement with the shortcodes filled in - 80 ms
should put a PDF on Amazon S3 with a non-guessable name and publically accessible - 4565 ms
Tenants - 34 ms
Tenants start with no workflow items completed - 34 ms
Templates - 46 ms
must be of type 'email' or 'contract' - 46 ms
IPN handling - 327 ms
on the market tenancies - 126 ms
should mark the holding payment as paid if the item_name is "Holding Payment" and the payment_status is "Completed" - 57 ms
should put the paying tenant on the tenancy they are paying the holding payment for - 69 ms
under offer tenancies - 201 ms
should mark the holding payment as refunded if the item_name is "Holding Payment" and the payment_status is "Refunded" - 78 ms
should mark the security deposit as paid for the tenant if the item_name is "Security Deposit" and the payment_status is "Completed" - 58 ms
should mark the security deposit as refunded for the tenant if the item_name is "Security Deposit" and the payment_status is "Refunded" - 65 ms
Audit Items - 249 ms
should allow valid types: 'email' or 'note' or 'sms' or 'action' - 33 ms
should forbid invalid types - 36 ms
should require a subtype - 45 ms
should include the target document ID - 35 ms
should include the target tenant modifying user (if present) - 33 ms
should include the target tenancy modifying user (if present) - 34 ms
should be created after every email sent - 33 ms
Audit trail items should be created after model changes - 580 ms
Tenant pays a holding deposit - 45 ms
Tenant pays a security deposit - 45 ms
Tenancy housemates change (storing new housemates) - 47 ms
Admin approves tenant ID - 43 ms
Admin approves tenant guarantor - 47 ms
Tenant adds ID - 46 ms
Tenant adds guarantor ID - 45 ms
Tenant opts out of guarantor - 69 ms
Property manager marks tenancy agreement signed - 54 ms
Tenancy becomes inclusive or exclusive of utilities - 42 ms
Tenancy becomes part-full approved - 43 ms
New tenancy is created - 54 ms
Email notifications and reminders - 8161 ms
And templating - 8161 ms
To tenant when their ID is approved - 200 ms
To tenant when they opt out of having a guarantor - 195 ms
To all tenants when tenancy is reset - 179 ms
To all tenants when tenancy AST is marked as signed - 200 ms
To tenants when added to a tenancy - 700 ms
To a tenant when holding payment made - 186 ms
To tenant when security deposit paid - 182 ms
To tenant when security deposit refunded - 232 ms
To tenant when holding payment refunded - 206 ms
To all tenants when property is part-full approved - 716 ms
Tenant created - 580 ms
To all PMs when tenant opts out of having a guarantor - 184 ms
To all PMs (on all organisations) when tenant changes guarantor information - 241 ms
To all PMs when tenant makes holding payment - 203 ms
To all PMs when tenancy is ready for AST generation (after tenancy change) - 203 ms
To all PMs when tenancy is ready for AST generation (after tenant change) - 200 ms
To all PMs when all tenants on a tenancy have paid their security deposits - 231 ms
Email reminders - 3322 ms
Emails tenants without guarantor info or opt-out - 1129 ms
Emails tenants without approved personal ID - 1099 ms
Emails lead tenants where property not full and part-full tenancy not approved - 1094 ms
Admin Dash Controller - 14050 ms
access - 1680 ms
GET /dash - 461 ms
should not allow unauthenticated requests - 159 ms
should not allow authenticated requests without a role - 302 ms
POST /dash/:propertyName - 425 ms
should not allow unauthenticated requests - 173 ms
should not authenticated requests without a role - 252 ms
GET /applicants/:applicantEmail - 375 ms
should not allow unauthenticated requests - 131 ms
should not allow authenticated requests without a role - 244 ms
POST /applicants/:applicantEmail - 419 ms
should not allow unauthenticated requests - 165 ms
should not allow authenticated requests without a role - 254 ms
data - 12370 ms
/dash - 663 ms
should not error when properties have no location - 662 ms
#getLocationsPropertyList - 1974 ms
should create the list of locations available - 503 ms
should create the list of properties available - 548 ms
should create each property with address, url and the current application tenancy - 460 ms
should create each tenancy with a status and a list of tenants with full name - 463 ms
#getProperty - 6323 ms
should create a property object with address and beds properties - 527 ms
should create a property object with an organisation property - 526 ms
should create a property with a tenancy object, with status, days under offer, a list of tenants (applicants), a list of empty rooms, a flag to say whether it is ready for a tenancy agreement, the tenancy agreement URL and the EchoSign form HTML - 533 ms
should create the tenants (applicants) list with fullName, email, phone properties, and whether the guarantor is submitted and a guarantor property, and whether the ID is approved - 527 ms
should create the guarantor with a fullName property - 480 ms
should create an active_tenancy property with a tenants list - 535 ms
should create the active tenancy tenants list with each having fullName, email and phone properties - 465 ms
should create the property with an audit object, with an items array - 473 ms
should create each item with a type and a date property - 506 ms
should create each email item with to, from, body and subject properties - 577 ms
should create the pagination property with previous_page and next_page properties where paging is possible to those pages - 614 ms
should not throw an error if there are no tenancies on a property - 560 ms
#getApplicantProfile - 3410 ms
should create a tenant object with fullName, email, phone, tenancy, data and audit properties - 559 ms
should create a the tenancy object with a step property and a "property" property, which has address and url properties - 458 ms
should create a data property with these fields: submitted_housemates, paid_security_deposit, idApproved, opted_out_from_guarantor, guarantor_first_name, guarantor_last_name, guarantor_email, guarantor_phone, guarantor_idApproved, guarantor_approved - 461 ms
should create the data properties with label and value properties - 497 ms
should create the tenant with an audit object, with an items array - 465 ms
should create each item with a type and a date property - 453 ms
should create the pagination property with previous_page and next_page properties where paging is possible to those pages - 517 ms
App Management Controller - 687 ms
app management - 687 ms
GET /organisation/properties - 687 ms
should not throw an error when a property is missing a location - 687 ms
Cron Controller - 13 ms
GET /cronjob - 13 ms
should allow unauthenticated requests - 13 ms
IP Controller
GET /ipn-handler
Student Dash Controller - 9111 ms
access - 1532 ms
GET /tenant-dashboard - 396 ms
should not allow unauthenticated requests - 145 ms
should not allow authenticated requests without a role - 251 ms
POST /tenant-dashboard - 385 ms
should not allow unauthenticated requests - 132 ms
should not allow authenticated requests without a role - 253 ms
GET /tenant-dashboard/profile - 375 ms
should not allow unauthenticated requests - 144 ms
should not allow authenticated requests without a role - 231 ms
POST /tenant-dashboard/profile - 376 ms
should not allow unauthenticated requests - 131 ms
should not allow authenticated requests without a role - 245 ms
data - 7579 ms
#getTenancy - 7136 ms
should create a tenant object with firstName, lastName, email, phone and guarantor properties - 478 ms
should create the guarantor object with firstName, lastName, email and phone properties - 457 ms
should create a organisation object with ... properties - 444 ms
should create a tenancy object with step, is_lead_tenant, inclusiveOfUtilities, utilityBillPayment, holdingPaymentAmount and steps properties - 458 ms
should correctly identify the lead tenant of a tenancy - 462 ms
should create the steps array with each items having description and label properties and an optional step_class of "complete" or "current" if the step is complete or current, respectively - 509 ms
should create the tenancy object with the "under offer" tenancy if a tenant is on more than one tenancy - 518 ms
should create a security_deposit object with security_deposit_share, first_rent_installment, total, total_inc_bills, message and paid properties - 482 ms
should create a property object with a rooms array, each item of which is either empty or has a housemate property - 437 ms
should create the property object with an address field - 451 ms
should create the housemate objects with firstName, lastName, fullName, email, phone and is_logged_in properties - 464 ms
should create a housemates property with the appropriate message in it - 455 ms
should create a guarantor property with the appropriate message in it - 588 ms
should create a tenant_id property with the appropriate message in it - 469 ms
should not throw an error if there are no tenancies on a tenant - 464 ms
#getTenantProfile - 443 ms
should create a tenant object with firstName, lastName, email and phone properties - 443 ms
Email Service - 1 ms
should throw an error if no recipient address is given - 1 ms
should throw an error if no documentID given - 0 ms
IPN - 407 ms
IPN#process - 407 ms
should require "txn_id", "item_number", "payment_status" and "custom" fields to be present - 33 ms
should return an error if there is no tenant with ID matching the "custom" field - 53 ms
should return an error if there is no property with address matching the "item_number" field - 56 ms
should return an error if there is no "on the market" tenancy on the property when the item_name is "Holding Payment" and payment_status = "Completed" - 56 ms
should return an error if the item_name property is not "Holding Payment" or "Security Deposit" - 44 ms
should return an error if the payment_status property is not "Completed" or "Refunded" - 45 ms
should not return an error if tenant ID and property address match an "on the market" tenancy, for both Holding Payments and Security Deposits - 65 ms
should not return an error for refunds - 55 ms
Organisation - 235 ms
#inviteUser - 59 ms
should throw an error if no email address is provided - 23 ms
should send an invite email to the invitee - 36 ms
#generateInviteToken - 28 ms
returns a string - 28 ms
#addUser - 56 ms
should throw an error if user does not exist - 23 ms
should add the user to the organisation - 33 ms
Organisation.redeemInviteCode - 92 ms
should return an error if the code is invalid - 45 ms
should not return an error if the code is valid (is stored on an organisation) - 47 ms
PDF Service - 1224 ms
#createPDFFromHTML - 1224 ms
should create a PDF at the given path from the provided HTML - 1224 ms
Template - 2 ms
#renderTemplate - 2 ms
replaces shortcodes with fields - 1 ms
does not throw an error if a shortcode is used that does not appear in the fields - 1 ms
Tenancy - 7321 ms
#addTenant - 112 ms
should add the tenant to the tenancy - 55 ms
does not duplicate tenants if they are added multiple times to the same tenancy - 56 ms
#getTenants - 45 ms
returns the tenants on the tenancy - 45 ms
#clearTenants - 46 ms
removes all tenants from the tenancy - 46 ms
#removeTenant - 47 ms
removes a tenant from the tenancy - 47 ms
#approvePartFullHouse - 54 ms
Approving a part full house sets the appropriate flag on the tenancy - 54 ms
#markHoldingPaymentPaid - 279 ms
Marking a holding payment paid for a tenant adds a Holding Payment to the Tenancy - 56 ms
Marking a holding payment paid for a tenancy sets the status of the tenancy to 'under offer' - 55 ms
Marking a holding payment paid for a tenant without specifying a date returns an error - 56 ms
Marking a holding payment paid for a tenant without specifying an amount returns an error - 56 ms
Marking a holding payment paid for a tenancy that already has a holding payment paid returns an error - 56 ms
#markHoldingPaymentRefunded - 305 ms
Marking a holding payment refunded for a tenancy keeps the Holding Payment on the Tenancy - 65 ms
Marking a holding payment refunded for a tenancy sets the status of the tenancy to 'on the market' - 66 ms
Marking a holding payment paid for a tenancy without specifying a tenancy ID returns an error - 46 ms
Marking a holding payment paid for a tenancy without specifying a tenant ID that has paid a holding payment on that tenancy returns an error - 63 ms
Marking a holding payment refunded for a tenancy that already has a holding payment refunded returns an error - 64 ms
#markSecurityDepositPaid - 178 ms
Marking a security deposit paid for a tenant adds a Security Deposit to the Tenancy - 65 ms
Marking a security deposit paid for a tenant without specifying a date returns an error - 59 ms
Marking a security deposit paid for a tenant without specifying an amount returns an error - 54 ms
#markSecurityDepositRefunded - 252 ms
Marking a security deposit refunded for a tenancy keeps the Security Deposit on the Tenancy - 66 ms
Marking a security deposit paid for a tenancy without specifying a tenancy ID returns an error - 53 ms
Marking a security deposit paid for a tenancy without specifying a tenant ID that has paid a security deposit on that tenancy returns an error - 66 ms
Marking a security deposit refunded for a tenant on a tenancy that already has a security deposit refunded for that tenant returns an error - 67 ms
#markTenancyAgreementSigned - 58 ms
Marking a tenancy agreement as signed sets the appropriate flag on the tenancy - 58 ms
#generateTenancyAgreementHTML - 47 ms
returns an error if the tenancy if the tenancy does not have a tenancyAgreementTemplateID - 47 ms
#generateTenancyAgreementPdfAndSendToS3 - 4208 ms
should return an error if the tenancy has no property ID - 55 ms
should include the property address in the tenancy agreement URL - 1359 ms
should append a random string to the end of the property address in the URL - 1423 ms
should generate the HTML for the tenancy agreement - 1371 ms
#createFormForSendingTenancyAgreementToEchoSign - 1556 ms
should output the form fields needed for EchoSign - 1436 ms
should throw an error if no callback is provided - 57 ms
should return an error if the tenancy agreement has not been generated yet - 63 ms
#allSecurityDepositsPaid - 133 ms
returns true iff there is a paid security deposit for each tenant - 65 ms
does not count refunded security deposits - 68 ms
Tenant - 310 ms
#approveID - 31 ms
should set the ID flag to approved - 31 ms
#approveGuarantorID - 33 ms
should set the guarantor ID flag to approved - 33 ms
#approveGuarantor - 33 ms
should set the guarantor flag to approved - 33 ms
#optOutGuarantor - 34 ms
should set the guarantor opt out flag - 34 ms
#getApplicationStep - 179 ms
should return 1 if the applicant is not part of an under offer tenancy - 44 ms
should return 2 if the applicant is part of an under offer tenancy - 45 ms
should return 3 if the applicant group is ready for their tenancy agreement - 43 ms
should return 4 if the applicant group has signed their tenancy agreement - 47 ms
Finished in 52.818 seconds
193 tests, 433 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped
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