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Last active January 17, 2018 18:21
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My Average Rails App Setup

The Average Rails App Setup

Below outlines what is setup with my average rails app


  • Digital Ocean/AWS Server/Heroku
  • AWS S3
  • Heroku Postgres
  • Skylight
  • Mandrill/Sendgrid
  • MailChimp
  • Logentries
  • Error Reporting App (Such as Sentry, Raygun, Rollbar) / Exception Notifier
  • Github / Gitlab
  • CI Service (Codeship)


  • Devise
  • Rspec
  • Cabybara
  • Pg
  • puma
  • lograge
  • figaro
  • bootstrap-sass/foundation/bourbon + neat
  • bourbon
  • simpleform
  • quiet assets
  • brakeman
  • Rails Best Practices
  • letter opener
  • capistrano
  • pry
  • launchy
  • factory girl
  • email spec
  • faker
  • simplecov
  • shoulda matchers
  • haml rails
  • carrierwave
  • minimagick
  • database cleaner
  • mail form
  • poltergeist (js testing within rspec)
  • bundler-audit
  • sitemap_generator
  • i18n-tasks
  • Rubocop
  • RubyCritic
  • autoprefixer-rails
  • virtus
  • roadie rails
  • awesome_print
  • meta_request (for railspanel)
  • newrelic (visit /newrelic and see awesome stats)
  • pghero (db stats for postgres)
  • logster (
  • activerecord-colored_log_subscriber (colorize logs in dev)
  • gemsmith (, for bootstrapping gems/engines and working with gems)
  • spring-commands-rspec
  • email_validator

Setup Help

To help get things started, rails apps composer is generally used


Write Acceptance Tests First then Unit Tests

Launching a Rails App

See this gist for when you THINK you are ready to launch the app.

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