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jbenet/ Secret

Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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netvis format

The aim of this format is to intermediate between network visualization tools, and the network protocols themselves. Processes running the protocol produce events in this format (either stored to log files or emitted via rpc). The visualization tools consume these events and playback the protocol. The aim is for this to be useful for both algorithmic network analysis, and -- primarily -- for visual, human analysis.


Before getting into the format, this terminology will help communicate ideas.


  • event a network event, the building block of history.
  • history a sequence of events, usually pertaining to one protocol, but possibly containing multiple.
  • producer a process that emits (records or transmits) events
  • log (or trace) a file storing an in-order sequence of events


  • network a system of connected entities
  • node an individual object in the network
  • message information unit sent from one node, to another


  • id identifier for the node.
  • type the (protocol specific) type for the node
  • addresses a list of addresses the node has
  • state opaque state for the node
  • enterTime the (network) time at which the node entered
  • exitTime the (network) time at which the node exited
  • messagesSent the number of messages sent
  • messagesReceived the number of messages received


  • sourceNode the node from which a message travels
  • destinationNode the node to which a message travels
  • departureTime the (network) time at which a message departed its source
  • arrivalTime the (network) time at which it arrived at its destination
  • protocol an identifier that describes the protocol the message belongs to
  • type an identifier that describes the kind of message (protocol-specific)
  • size the size of the message (in bytes)
  • contents the actual state of the message


  • messageSent node msg - a message is emitted from a node
  • messageReceived node msg - a message is received by a node
  • messageDropped node msg - a message is explicitly dropped by a node as opposed to having been dropped in the network in between (fading)
  • nodeEntered - a node entered the network (about to send messages)
  • nodeExited - a node exited the network (no more messages)
  • nodeDialed addr - a node dialed another node
  • nodeAccepted addr - a node accepted another's dial
  • nodeConnected addr - a node connected to another node
  • nodeDisconnected addr - a node disconnected from another node
  • nodeStateChange diff - a change of internal state in a node


  • simulator a process which consumes a history and simulates a network and its events
  • visualization an animation of a network and/or a history ocurring over time.
  • netvis this format
  • live node a process running a program implementing the protocol (often a producer)

How should netvis work?

  1. Live nodes implementing protocols run, generating a real sequence of events. They store this sequence in one or many log files.
  2. The log files are consolidated into one netvis history.
  3. The history is fed into a simulator, which runs the visualization.

This means that the live nodes / producers need not emit netvis exactly; we can have a processing step in the pipeline that converts whatever the native protocol logs are into netvis. (for example, combining two differet entries, announcing an outgoing + incoming packet, into one single netvis message entry)

And it also means that simulators need not ingest netvis directly, but can also be processed to fit their purposes better. This makes netvis a middle-format that seeks to ensure all the necessary elements are present, and that both the producer and consumer programs handle them correctly.

netvis pipeline:

live nodes --> logs --> netvis logs --> simulator input --> simulator

netvis format

The netvis format is just a sequence of objects that together describe the network and history. These can be the same file, or different files (e.g. multiple event histories over the same network). Or different formats (JSON and XML).

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