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Last active December 21, 2017 02:31
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6502 testbench
module cpu_tb;
reg clk;
reg reset;
reg irq;
reg nmi;
reg rdy;
wire [15:0] addr;
wire [7:0] cpu_do;
wire [7:0] cpu_di;
wire we;
// 6502 CPU
cpu cpu0 (
// Low 2K of RAM $0000-$07FF
wire ramlo_cs = addr[15:11] == 5'h0;
ram #(.ADDR_WIDTH(11)) ramlo (
wire ramhi_cs = addr[15:12] == 4'hF;
// High 4K of RAM $F000-$FFFF
ram #(.ADDR_WIDTH(12), .INIT_FILE("ram.hex")) ramhi (
// Initialize Inputs
irq = 0;
nmi = 0;
rdy = 1;
clk = 0;
reset = 1;
repeat(4) #10 clk = ~clk;
reset = 0;
forever #10 clk = ~clk;
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