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Created July 22, 2011 14:39
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Handling Parameters

The controller's job is to work with the request parameters and determine how to activate the domain logic and data to respond to requests. The parameters are key to completing that job.

And, at the same time, parameters are the cause of the most problems in a typical controller. A great action method should be about eight lines of Ruby, but many actions spiral out of control with all kinds of switching based on the input parameters.

params Helper

First, a small point of order: people commonly refer to params as a variable but it isn't -- it is a helper method provided by ActionController which returns a hash containing the request parameters.

Hash Structure

Developers new to Rails often struggle with the nested hashes inside params. When processing a form, params might look like this:

{"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"id7z1vIP1N2e0I8QtXQjflsNwcWdBwcyUuOrywEV52c=", 
"product"=>{"title"=>"Apples", "price"=>"5.99", "stock"=>"12", "description"=>"Bag of apples.", 
"image_url"=>"apples.jpg"}, "commit"=>"Create Product"}

It's a little easier to understand the structure by converting to YAML (using .to_yaml):

utf8: "✓"
authenticity_token: id7z1vIP1N2e0I8QtXQjflsNwcWdBwcyUuOrywEV52c=
  title: Apples
  price: '5.99'
  stock: '12'
  description: Bag of apples.
  image_url: apples.jpg
commit: Create Product
action: create
controller: products

The outer hash has these keys:

  • utf8 - this marker is in all form submissions to force Internet Explorer to properly encode UTF-8 data
  • authenticity_token - a security mechanism used by the protect_from_forgery method called in ApplicationController
  • product - the sub-hash containing the real form data
  • commit - the label text of the button that was clicked. HTML forms with multiple buttons still all submit to the same URL, so this parameter is the only way to tell which button the user clicked
  • action - which action is being run, setup by the router
  • controller - which controller is being run, setup by the router

Implementation Patterns

Given those parameters, asking for params[:product] will return the nested hash:

{"title"=>"Apples", "price"=>"5.99", "stock"=>"12", "description"=>"Bag of apples.", "image_url"=>"apples.jpg"}

The create action can use those values to build the Product


The original hash had a key "product", but I accessed it by calling params[:product] with a symbol. What's up with that?

ruby-1.9.2-p290 :001 > params1 = {"product" => {"title" => "Apples"}}
 => {"product"=>{"title"=>"Apples"}} 
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :002 > params1.class
 => Hash 
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :003 > params1["product"]
 => {"title"=>"Apples"} 
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :004 > params1[:product]
 => nil

A Ruby Hash with key "product" will not respond to :product.

Within the Rails internals there are (almost) no hashes. Instead, what look like hashes are actually instances of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess:

ruby-1.9.2-p290 :001 > params2 ={"product" => {"title" => "Apples"}})
 => {"product"=>{"title"=>"Apples"}} 
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :002 > params2.class
 => ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess 
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :003 > params2["product"]
 => {"title"=>"Apples"} 
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :004 > params2[:product]
 => {"title"=>"Apples"} 

The IndifferentAccess is because it allows us to do lookups with either string or symbol versions of the keys. Our params keys are really strings, but most often we'll access them using a symbol.

Symbols vs. Strings

If we can use either symbols or strings, why prefer symbols?

  • It's one fewer character to type
  • Strings are for users. They're things we take in from the form, data we store in the database, output we show in the view.
  • Symbols are for programs. They're used for internal messaging and data structures like traversing a hash

Not everyone agrees with these opinions and many Rails developers don't have any convention, so you'll see a random mix of strings and symbols. My rule is to use a symbol whenever I can, then strings when I have to.

params in a Simple Action

The most straightforward usage of params is to lookup a single key and do something with the retrieved value:

def show
  @product = Product.find(params[:id])

params with Mass Assignment

Typically in a create action we'll make use of mass-assignment:

def create
  @product =[:product])

That is equivalent, given our example params, to this:

@product = => params[:product][:title],
                       :description => params[:product][:description],
                       :price => params[:product][:price],
                       :stock => params[:product][:stock],
                       :image_url => params[:product][:image_url])

In this long form, we're building up a hash with keys :title, :description, etc. But it's pointless! We saw that when we query for params[:product] we get back the nested hash. That hash has keys :title, :description -- exactly as we're building up here. So when we use this form:

def create
  @product =[:product])

We're passing in a hash of data. This method is preferred because it's shorter to read/write and, more importantly, it doesn't need alteration if we add new attributes to the model.

params Gone Wrong

Here's one of the common ways that developers abuse parameters and controller actions:

def index
  if params[:order_by] == 'name'
    @products = Product.order('title')
  elsif params[:order_by] == 'price'
    @products = Product.order('price ASC')
    @products = Product.all

We're anticipating a parameter named :order_by and want to do some sorting based on that. Here's a cleanup of just the Ruby syntax to use a case statement:

def index
  @products = case params[:order_by]
    when 'name'  then Product.order('title')
    when 'price' then Product.order('price ASC')
    else              Product.all

Whenever I'm tempted to write variable = case #... or variable = if #..., I know that I really need to encapsulate the right side into a method. In the "Mass Assignment" section, we said that sending the parameters down to the model in bulk was a maintenance win because the controller won't have to change when the model adds attributes.

If changes to one component of the system necessitate changes in another then those objects are coupled. By having all this logic for sorting in the controller, we increase the coupling between controller and model which, in the long run, hurts. What if we emulated the idea of proxying to the model?

def index
  @products = Product.ordered_by(params[:order_by])

Imagine we have a class method on Product named ordered_by. We send the parameter down to the model and let it figure out what that string means in the context of our domain and data -- which is exactly the job of the model. The implementation there looks familiar:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  def self.ordered_by(param)
    case param
      when 'name'  then Product.order('title')
      when 'price' then Product.order('price ASC')
      else              Product.all

This isn't about writing less code, it's about writing it in the right place. The model is responsible for logic and working with data, don't let it leak up into your controllers!


[TODO: Add Exercises]


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ordered_by should be a class method via self.ordered_by or a class << self block

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Eeep, thanks for the catch!

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no problem - this looks pretty awesome. Dig the stuff you're doing, Jeff. Maybe we could catch up some time over skype or something. I do a little bit of training so would love to exchange some learnings.

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Yeah man, definitely. Once I get this text done let's chat.

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