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Last active September 19, 2018 01:16
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Hacking for Fun, Power, and Profit

Part 1: Understanding the Landscape

Agreeing to Terms

  • "Hacking" code = programming
  • "Hacking" hardware/etc = building things against their intent
  • "Hacking" in a traditional sense: people or computers/software

Hacking People

  • Social engineering
  • You've seen the African Prince-type
    • "send me your bank account info"
    • Print up some checks with names that match your fake ID
    • Spend them!
    • Better yet, get people on Craigslist to deposit them and send you the money for a 25% cut
    • "Real Estate Apprentices"!
  • Most social engineering is more nuanced
  • Essentially a game of tricking people to reveal their secrets: passwords, pin numbers, bank account, credit card, security question responses, etc

Quick Turn & Talk: What was the last social engineering scheme you got attacked with?

Hacking Computers

  • Typically starts with mis-using or cross-using software
  • Hackers are like Q/A teams with motivation
  • Try to find the soft spots in software and exploit them
  • There are patterns of common weaknesses, mostly anchored around user input

Why Hack?

  • Historically fueled by curiosity
  • Sometimes for profit -- but the profits are typically small
  • Politics and political expression have always been a part
  • Using technical skills to create yourself a voice
  • Ex: Display boards
    • IR interfaces with four-digit security codes
    • Transmit the code, the write instruction, then your message
    • Palm Pilot III used IR for transmission and was easily programmable
    • Iterate through all 10-thousand possible codes sending:
      • possible_code-write-possible_code
    • Now the board is displaying it's own password

Quick Turn & Talk: Have you ever hacked anything?

Part 2: In Practice

SQL Injection

  • One of the classic vulnerabilities of web applications
  • Set up by a developer injecting user input into a SQL query
  • Say you have a new site and allow users to view articles published on a certain date by pulling the date out of the URL
date_from_url = (some string manipulation to pull the date out of the URL)
Article.find_by_sql("SELECT * from articles where published_on='#{date_from_url}'")

You're expecting a URL like this:

But instead you get a URL like this:');select%20*%20*from*users;

Now when you inject that string into your SQL query you get:

"SELECT * from articles where published_on='2019-09-14';select * from users"

And your app probably gives a 500 error because it's now trying to find title and body fields in data that has username and password. No problem, just a little change to the URL:');select%20username%20as%20title,password%20as%body%20*from*users;

Then your article display is going to be really great. The user can save the HTML, clean up the content, and have a table of all your usernames and (encrypted) passwords.

Quick Turn & Talk: Based on the languages/frameworks your familiar with, what might the programmer have done differently to avoid this vulnerability?

Part 3: Cryptography is Security through Obscurity

  • You should never store a plain-text password
  • In the scenario above, you would have dumped all the user's passwords
  • Instead you typically use a one-way hash
  • A hashing function takes an input and generates a relatively unique output
  • Given an output you cannot calculate the input
001 > require 'digest'
 => true 
002 > Digest::MD5.hexdigest 'hello'
 => "5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592"
003 > Digest::MD5.hexdigest 'Hello'
 => "8b1a9953c4611296a827abf8c47804d7" 

The output from the SQL injection hack above with hashed passwords might look like this:

username | hashed_password
admin    | "93a09efb8dc498329d728bbc25e64026"
ghost    | "bad670f05ad869901d90a37aef62572c"
security | "93f8936838d0b97a4e472781709e0a86"

Remember that there's no way to go from the hashed password back to the original password. But maybe you can guess and check.

  • Say you have some ideas about password patterns
  • Maybe the site where you dumped the encrypted passwords is related to banking/finance
  • You see that the site requires at least eight characters in the password
  • There's a good chance that some users took their four-digit ATM pin and repeated it to make an 8-digit password
(1..9999).each do |pin|
  pin_digits = pin.to_s.rjust(4,'0') * 2
  puts pin_digits + " | " + Digest::MD5.hexdigest(pin_digits)

Now I can do what is essentially a reverse lookup based on the known output.

Is the double-four-numbers a cheat? Kinda. But to generate the same table to all possible 8 digit numbers took just 20 minutes of computer time. Imagine what you could do with cloud servers or a botnet of hijacked desktop computers?

Tada! We're hackers now.

Part 4: Synthesis

  • How might these principles influence how you build applications?
  • Being an expert in computer security is like being an expert in crime. What does this mean about the people who work to prevent these attacks?
  • Why would a team/product likely struggle if there's just one person "in charge" of security?
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