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Created February 10, 2014 15:57
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# Implement an algorithm
# to determine if a string has all unique characters
# without using uniq.
# What if you can not use additional data structures?
# ===
sample = "abcdę"
sample.split('').uniq.count == sample.split('').count
sample.split('').uniq.count == sample.length
sample.split('').uniq.join == sample
# Without uniq:
letters = sample.split('')
result = true
unique_letters = []
letters.each do |letter|
if unique_letters.include?(letter)
result = false
unique_letters << letter
# In English
# 1. Cut the string into a collection of letters
# 2. Start with an empty array
# 3. Go through the collection of letters and...
# A. If the letter is not in the array from (2), add it
# B. If the letter is in the array from (2), do nothing
# 4. Merge the letters in the array from (2) back into a single string
# 5. The letters are all unique if the string from (4) is equal to the original string
# 1. From 0 to the length of the string as "i"...
# 2. Find the count of the letter at position "i"
# 3. Add that count to a total
# 4. If total is equal to the length of the string then the letters are unique_letters
# 3. If the count is >1 then fail
# 4. Otherwise pass
sample = "abcd"
result = true
(0...sample.length).each do |i|
if sample.count( sample[i] ) > 1
result = false
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