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# Author: Pieter Noordhuis
# Description: Simple demo to showcase Redis PubSub with EventMachine
# Update 7 Oct 2010:
# - This example does *not* appear to work with Chrome >=6.0. Apparently,
# the WebSocket protocol implementation in the cramp gem does not work
# well with Chrome's (newer) WebSocket implementation.
# Requirements:
# - rubygems: eventmachine, thin, cramp, sinatra, yajl-ruby

Sass/Less Comparison

In this document I am using Sass's SCSS syntax. You can choose to use the indented syntax in sass, if you prefer it, it has no functional differences from the SCSS syntax.

For Less, I'm using the JavaScript version because this is what they suggest on the website. The ruby version may be different.


seanh / how-to-install-postgresql-on-an-ubuntu-1004-vagrant-box.markdown
Created March 1, 2012 21:29
How to install PostgreSQL on an Ubuntu 10.04 Vagrant box

Here's how to install PostgreSQL and have it run automatically at startup, on an Ubuntu 10.04 virtual machine using Vagrant. This took me a while to figure out:

Add the default lucid32 base box to your vagrant, if you haven't already:

host> vagrant box add lucid32 

Now make a new lucid32 virtual machine and install postgresql on it:

johnpolacek / gist:3827270
Last active January 20, 2023 15:46
Prevent FOUC
<!-- Prevent FOUC (flash of unstyled content) - -->
<style type="text/css">
.no-fouc {display: none;}
<script type="text/javascript">
document.documentElement.className = 'no-fouc';
// add to document ready: $('.no-fouc').removeClass('no-fouc');
davatron5000 / Sublime Text
Last active April 15, 2023 15:39
A new user's guide to SublimeText 2. Estimated reading time: 2 mins. Estimated workthrough time: 12 minutes.

Make it useful

  • Install Package Control. For SublimeText 2, paste the following in Terminal:
import urllib2,os; pf='Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); os.makedirs( ipp ) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None; urllib2.install_opener( urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.ProxyHandler( ))); open( os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write( urllib2.urlopen( '' +pf.replace( ' ','%20' )).read()); print( 'Please restart Sublime Text to finish installation')

From here on out, use Package Control to install everything. +Shift+P, then type Install to get a list of installable packages you can 'livesearch through. After installing plugins, they should be running.

tsiege / The Technical Interview Cheat
Last active July 20, 2024 16:44
This is my technical interview cheat sheet. Feel free to fork it or do whatever you want with it. PLEASE let me know if there are any errors or if anything crucial is missing. I will add more links soon.


I have moved this over to the Tech Interview Cheat Sheet Repo and has been expanded and even has code challenges you can run and practice against!


shadcn / gist:de147c42d7b3063ef7bc
Last active September 17, 2022 11:50
Convert a Hex string to UIColor in Swift
// Creates a UIColor from a Hex string.
func colorWithHexString (hex:String) -> UIColor {
var cString:String = hex.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet()).uppercaseString
if (cString.hasPrefix("#")) {
cString = cString.substringFromIndex(1)
if (countElements(cString) != 6) {
return UIColor.grayColor()
paulallies / gist:0052fab554b14bbfa3ef
Last active November 12, 2023 23:00
Remove node_modules from git repo
#add 'node_modules' to .gitignore file
git rm -r --cached node_modules
git commit -m 'Remove the now ignored directory node_modules'
git push origin <branch-name>
TimFletcher / gist:034e799c19eb763fa859
Created August 6, 2014 22:24
Django template filter to add attributes to form fields
# From
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def add_attributes(field, css):
attrs = {}
definition = css.split(',')
chris9753 / Custom Gender
Created January 29, 2015 19:20
Custom Gender Selection(Parse)
// SignUpViewController.swift
// E-gnite
// Created by Chris Da silva on 2015-01-27.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Chris Da silva. All rights reserved.
import UIKit