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Created May 8, 2017 22:57
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Convert ggfortify to sf
convertToSF <- function(df, id = "id", group = "group") {
# Extract the non-polygon data.
data <- df %>%
group_by_(id) %>%
do(head(., 1)) %>%
.[,setdiff(names(.), c("long", "lat", "order", "hole", "piece", "group"))]
# Extract the shapes. I don't know if this does the right
# thing with holes--are holes even supported by ggfortify?
features <- %>%
group_by_(id, group) %>%
do(shape = list(cbind(.$long, .$lat))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by_(id) %>%
do(shapes = sf::st_multipolygon(.$shape)) %>%
.$shapes %>%
sf::st_sf(features, data)
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