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Forked from tfeldmann/
Last active June 4, 2022 06:23
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Fast duplicate file finder written in python
#!/usr/bin/env python
Fast duplicate file finder.
Usage: [-hcf] <folder> [<folder>...]
Based on
Modified for Python3 with some small code improvements.
Modified by jcjveraa to include option to hardlink any duplicate files
import os
import sys
import hashlib
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import itemgetter
def chunk_reader(fobj, chunk_size=1024):
""" Generator that reads a file in chunks of bytes """
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
yield chunk
def get_hash(filename, first_chunk_only=False, hash_algo=hashlib.sha1):
hashobj = hash_algo()
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
if first_chunk_only:
for chunk in chunk_reader(f):
return hashobj.digest()
def check_for_duplicates(paths, ignore_hardlinks=False, create_hardlinks=False, force=False):
files_by_size = defaultdict(list)
files_by_small_hash = defaultdict(list)
files_by_full_hash = dict()
hashes_by_inode = dict()
true_duplicates = defaultdict(set)
if create_hardlinks and not force:
proceed_command = 'proceed'
answer = input("WARNING, you have enabled creation of hardlinks for: "
+ str(paths) +
" (relative to " + os.getcwd() +
" in case of relative paths).\n\n"
"This will result in any found duplicates being hardlinked together. "
"The intended usecase of this is deduplication of 'read only' backups. "
"Continuing may distrupt or even destroy your (file)system if this is not your intent.\n"
"Please type '" + proceed_command + "' to continue:\n")
if answer != proceed_command:
exit('Exiting execution, no hardlinks were created.'
'Run the proggram again without the -hc option to just get a list of duplicates.')
for path in paths:
for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(path):
for filename in filenames:
full_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
# if the target is a symlink (soft one), this will
# dereference it - change the value to the actual target file
full_path = os.path.realpath(full_path)
file_size = os.path.getsize(full_path)
except OSError:
# not accessible (permissions, etc) - pass on
# For all files with the same file size, get their hash on the first 1024 bytes
i = 0
for file_size, files in files_by_size.items():
i += 1
progress = 100.0*i / len(files_by_size.values())
# print('Small hash progress...' + str(progress))
if len(files) < 2:
continue # this file size is unique, no need to spend cpu cycles on it
# Check if all files are already hard (or symlinks) to each other
if ignore_hardlinks:
if len(files) == os.stat(files[0]).st_nlink:
continue # all files are hardlinked together
except OSError:
# not accessible (permissions, etc) - pass on
for filename in files:
small_hash = get_hash(filename, first_chunk_only=True)
except OSError:
# the file access might've changed till the exec point got here
files_by_small_hash[(file_size, small_hash)].append(filename)
# For all files with the hash on the first 1024 bytes, get their hash on the full
# file - collisions will be duplicates
i = 0
for files in files_by_small_hash.values():
i += 1
progress = 100.0*i / len(files_by_small_hash.values())
# print('Large hash progress...' + str(progress))
if len(files) < 2:
# the hash of the first 1k bytes is unique -> skip this file
if ignore_hardlinks:
if len(files) == os.stat(files[0]).st_nlink:
continue # all files are hardlinked together
except OSError:
# not accessible (permissions, etc) - pass on
for filename in files:
# don't calculate hashes twice for the same (hardlinked) file.
# TODO maybe this needs to be surrounded by an if statement for filesystems
# that do not support st_ino (if any)?
file_inode = os.stat(filename).st_ino
if file_inode in hashes_by_inode:
full_hash = hashes_by_inode[file_inode]
full_hash = get_hash(filename, first_chunk_only=False)
hashes_by_inode[file_inode] = full_hash
except OSError:
# the file access might've changed till the exec point got here
if full_hash in files_by_full_hash:
duplicate = files_by_full_hash[full_hash]
# add files to hardlink-list here to ensure only files w. duplicates are added
files_by_full_hash[full_hash] = filename
for full_hash, files in true_duplicates.items():
inodes = set([os.stat(filename).st_ino for filename in files])
print('Duplicates found, hash is ' + full_hash.hex() +
' on ' + str(len(inodes)) + ' different locations:')
for filename in files:
print(' - ' + str(filename) + ', inode ' +
if not create_hardlinks:
for _, files in true_duplicates.items():
print('All duplicates are now being hardlinked...')
mtimes = [(filename, os.path.getmtime(filename)) for filename in files]
# keep the file with the most recent 'mtime' as the source (this may not do anything)
most_recently_modified_file = max(mtimes, key=itemgetter(1))[0]
for filename in files:
temp_file_name = filename+'.recover'
os.rename(filename, temp_file_name), filename)
print('Hardlinking completed...')
if __name__ == "__main__":
if sys.argv[1:]:
if sys.argv[1] == '-h':
check_for_duplicates(sys.argv[2:], True)
if sys.argv[1] == '-hc':
sys.argv[2:], ignore_hardlinks=True, create_hardlinks=True)
if sys.argv[1] == '-hcf':
sys.argv[2:], ignore_hardlinks=True, create_hardlinks=True, force=True)
print("Usage: %s [-hcf] <folder> [<folder>...]" % sys.argv[0])
print("\t-h\t ignore hardlinks (do not count hardlinked files as duplicates).")
print("\t-hc\t create hardlinks (hardlink duplicates together, for deduplication - CAN BE DANGEROUS!).")
print("\t-hcf\t as -hc but without asking for confirmation.")
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