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Last active September 13, 2020 18:58
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marker -hbridge
: defpin:
c, c,
dup c@
swap 1+ c@
: high mset ;
: low mclr ;
: output 1- high ;
: input 1- low ;
\ Digital I/O Registers
36 constant ddrb
37 constant portb
41 constant pind
42 constant ddrd
43 constant portd
\ PWM Registers
128 constant tccr1a
129 constant tccr1b
134 constant icr1
136 constant ocr1a
\ Set the memory context to flash to persist
\ pin definitions between restarts
portd $0080 defpin: ctl1 \ bit7
portd $0010 defpin: ctl2 \ bit4
portb %00000010 defpin: enable \ bit1/oc1a
\ Return memory context to ram
: init.ports ( --- )
ctl1 output
ctl2 output
enable output
%10100000 tccr1a c!
%00010010 tccr1b c!
$4e20 icr1 !
: power ( n - ) ocr1a ! ;
: c-clockwise ( --- )
ctl1 high
ctl2 low
: clockwise ( --- )
ctl1 low
ctl2 high
: stop ( --- )
ctl1 low
ctl2 low
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