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azjgard /
Created March 25, 2020 23:49
Documentation for job XML feeds provided to Happy Monday

Happy Monday XML Feed Template

Thank you for choosing to partner with us!

  • Our system will scrape your XML feed 3 times per day.
  • If a job is no longer available, please exclude it to have the job removed from our system the next time we scrape your feed.
  • If a new job is available, please include it to have the job added to our system the next time we scrape your feed.
  • All data for a given job should be included in a <job> tag, and all <job> tags should be the top-level children of a root-level <jobs> tag (see the example further down this page).

Required Fields

stevenharman /
Last active March 11, 2024 04:11
Heroku Release Phase script for managing Rails DB migrations, and playing nice with Review Apps and postdeploy scripts

Heroku Release Phase + Review Apps + Rails

This is a simplified, but fairly thorough, set of scripts and configuration to enable Heroku Release Phase for Rails apps. Further, this particular set up plays nicely with Heroku Review Apps in that the release phase script will:

  1. Fail, loudly, if the DB does not yet exist.
  2. Load the DB schema if the current schema version (as determined by bin/rails db:version) is 0.
  3. Run DB migrations otherwise.

For a "normal" app that usually means it will run the DB migrations.

iscott /
Last active May 6, 2024 19:57
Cheat Sheet: Simple Authentication in Rails 5 with has_secure_password

Cheat Sheet: Simple Authentication in Rails 6 with has_secure_password

The goal of this cheatsheet is to make it easy to add hand-rolled authentication to any rails app in a series of layers.

First the simplest/core layers, then optional layers depending on which features/functionality you want.

AUTHOR Ira Herman
LANGUAGE/STACK Ruby on Rails Version 4, 5, or 6
cvan /
Last active May 7, 2024 15:23
How to serve a custom HTTPS domain on GitHub Pages with CloudFlare: *FREE*, secure and performant by default


CloudFlare is an awesome reverse cache proxy and CDN that provides DNS, free HTTPS (TLS) support, best-in-class performance settings (gzip, SDCH, HTTP/2, sane Cache-Control and E-Tag headers, etc.), minification, etc.

  1. Make sure you have registered a domain name.
  2. Sign up for CloudFlare and create an account for your domain.
  3. In your domain registrar's admin panel, point the nameservers to CloudFlare's (refer to this awesome list of links for instructions for various registrars).
  4. From the CloudFlare settings for that domain, enable HTTPS/SSL and set up a Page Rule to force HTTPS redirects. (If you want to get fancy, you can also enable automatic minification for text-based assets [HTML/CSS/JS/SVG/etc.], which is a pretty cool feature if you don't want already have a build step for minification.)
  5. If you
gokulkrishh / media-query.css
Last active May 8, 2024 06:59
CSS Media Queries for Desktop, Tablet, Mobile.
##Device = Desktops
##Screen = 1281px to higher resolution desktops
@media (min-width: 1281px) {
/* CSS */
dmilisic / active_record_enum_with_rails_admin.rb
Last active January 21, 2022 10:50
Initializer for handling ActiveRecord (4.1+) enums by RailsAdmin (0.6.2)
module ActiveRecord
module RailsAdminEnum
def enum(definitions)
definitions.each do |name, values|
define_method("#{ name }_enum") { self.class.send(name.to_s.pluralize).to_a }
define_method("#{ name }=") do |value|
if value.kind_of?(String) and value.to_i.to_s == value
compact / dropzone-directive.js
Last active March 16, 2024 02:55
AngularJS directive for Dropzone.js
* An AngularJS directive for Dropzone.js,
* Usage:
* <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="SomeCtrl">
* <button dropzone="dropzoneConfig">
* Drag and drop files here or click to upload
* </button>
* </div>
anotheruiguy /
Last active May 24, 2023 22:08
Custom Web Fonts and the Rails Asset Pipeline

Web fonts are pretty much all the rage. Using a CDN for font libraries, like TypeKit or Google Fonts, will be a great solution for many projects. For others, this is not an option. Especially when you are creating a custom icon library for your project.

Rails and the asset pipeline are great tools, but Rails has yet to get caught up in the custom web font craze.

As with all things Rails, there is more then one way to skin this cat. There is the recommended way, and then there are the other ways.

The recommended way

Here I will show how to update your Rails project so that you can use the asset pipeline appropriately and resource your files using the common Rails convention.

Falsehoods programmers believe about prices

  1. You can store a price in a floating point variable.
  2. All currencies are subdivided in 1/100th units (like US dollar/cents, euro/eurocents etc.).
  3. All currencies are subdivided in decimal units (like dinar/fils)
  4. All currencies currently in circulation are subdivided in decimal units. (to exclude shillings, pennies) (counter-example: MGA)
  5. All currencies are subdivided. (counter-examples: KRW, COP, JPY... Or subdivisions can be deprecated.)
  6. Prices can't have more precision than the smaller sub-unit of the currency. (e.g. gas prices)
  7. For any currency you can have a price of 1. (ZWL)
  8. Every country has its own currency. (EUR is the best example, but also Franc CFA, etc.)
myronmarston / ways_to_use_vcr.rb
Created April 13, 2012 15:00
Ways to use VCR for a request made by a let block
# 1) Use VCR.use_cassette in your let block. This will use
# the cassette just for requests made by creating bar, not
# for anything else in your test.
let(:foo) { VCR.use_cassette("foo") { create(:bar) } }
it "uses foo" do
# 2) Wrap the it block that uses #foo in VCR.use_cassette.