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Juan Herrera jdjuan

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jdjuan /
Created January 21, 2018 16:04
Angular Community Efforts

Community Impact: Juan Herrera

In Person Engagements: 1213

1. NgColombia (International Conference)

Latin America first Angular conference held in Medellín and gathering +230 attendees and 8 different speakers, including 3 GDEs:

jdjuan /
Last active May 16, 2019 21:08
Emotional Recipes

Emotional Recipes

Little steps are usually more effective at talking the brain into an idea than immediate spontaneous commands. Use these three recipes when necessary:

  1. 🆘 Urgent Recovery: For tough times full of anxiety or depression
  2. 🤕 Ego Validation: For when your ego is hurt
  3. 💼 Productivity Negotiation: For when you are being lazy for too long

1. Urgent Recovery 🆘

jdjuan /
Last active December 16, 2018 22:38
NgColombia Speaker Guidelines

NgColombia Speaker Guidelines

We want you to be a rockstar in the stage 🔥, we want everyone calling your name euphorically and following you everywhere (not just in your social media 😜). To help you achieve it, we have defined a set of guidelines that will make you shine! Read them carefully:

1. Accessibility

First, we want everyone to be able to enjoy your talk fully:

  • ⚓️ English is not a native language in Latin America so speak slow. Despite the fact that the audience will have translation devices, strive to be as clear as possible.
jdjuan /
Created November 27, 2018 02:50
Crucial Conversations Summary

Crucial Conversations


1. Prepare, 2. Speak, 3. Resist, 4. Build, 5. Decide

  1. Prepare: Purpose, Facts, Story, and start question
  2. Speak:
    1. Share the facts
  3. Tell the story, without assuming veracity
jdjuan /
Last active June 15, 2018 22:32
Meta Regimen: How to stick to your habits

Meta Regimen

Lessons I've learned throughout the years to keep up with my habits.

1. Motivate Yourself 💪

Nothing will make you skip your habits more than the lack of motivation

  • Believe you can
  • Watch motivational videos
import { paint } from './canvas.js';
const { fromEvent } = Rx.Observable;
const { takeUntil, mergeMap } = Rx.operators;
const move$ = fromEvent(document, 'mousemove')
const down$ = fromEvent(document, 'mousedown')
const up$ = fromEvent(document, 'mouseup')
const paints$ = down$.pipe(
mergeMap(down => move$.pipe(takeUntil(up$)))
import { paint } from './canvas.js';
const { fromEvent } = Rx.Observable;
const { takeUntil, mergeMap } = Rx.operators;
const move$ = fromEvent(document, 'mousemove')
const down$ = fromEvent(document, 'mousedown')
const up$ = fromEvent(document, 'mouseup')
const paints$ = down$.pipe(
mergeMap(down => move$)
import { paint } from './canvas.js';
const { fromEvent } = Rx.Observable;
const { skipUntil, takeUntil, repeat } = Rx.operators;
const move$ = fromEvent(document, 'mousemove');
const down$ = fromEvent(document, 'mousedown')
const up$ = fromEvent(document, 'mouseup')
const paints$ = move$.pipe(
import { paint } from './canvas.js';
const { fromEvent } = Rx.Observable;
const { skipUntil, takeUntil } = Rx.operators;
const move$ = fromEvent(document, 'mousemove');
const down$ = fromEvent(document, 'mousedown')
const up$ = fromEvent(document, 'mouseup')
const paints$ = move$.pipe(
import { paint } from './canvas.js';
const { fromEvent } = Rx.Observable;
const move$ = fromEvent(document, 'mousemove');