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samlambert /
Created January 9, 2021 00:16
Management @ PlanetScale

We want PlanetScale to be the best place to work. But every company says that, and very few deliver. Managers have a role in creating an amazing work experience, but things go awry when the wrong dynamic creeps in.

We have all seen those managers who collect people as “resources” or who control information as a way to gain “power.” In these cultures, people who “can’t” end up leading the charge. This is management mediocrity.

What will make us different? At PlanetScale, we won’t tolerate management mediocrity. We are building a culture where politics get you nowhere and impact gets you far. Managers are here to support people who get things done. They are as accountable to their team as their team is accountable to them.

We evaluate managers on the wellbeing and output of their team, how skillfully they collaborate with and influence others, and how inclusively and transparently they work.

You can expect your manager to:

  • Perceive a better version of you and support you in getting there
AdamDotNet / ParallelAsync.cs
Last active February 22, 2020 17:07
Attempts to replicate Parallel.For, but allows the action to be async, Task returning without the async-void problem of doing so with Parallel.For.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Channels;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Async.ChannelUtilities
/// <summary>
/// Like <see cref="Parallel.For"/> but allows the method body to be an <see langword="async"/>, <see cref="Task"/> returning <see cref="Delegate"/>
/// without running into the async-void problem.
stettix /
Last active March 20, 2024 17:45
Things I believe

Things I believe

This is a collection of the things I believe about software development. I have worked for years building backend and data processing systems, so read the below within that context.

Agree? Disagree? Feel free to let me know at @JanStette. See also my blog at


Keep it simple, stupid. You ain't gonna need it.

The 5-minute backpack demo

Here's what I carry in a Tom Bihn Synapse 19 bag when I travel for 1-to-n days. In general, I optimize for low-weight items, with a secondary focus on reducing maintenance. You can peruse a gallery of pictures, too.


bradleybossard / titleUrlMarkdownClip.js
Created December 5, 2015 21:09
Bookmarklet to copy current page title and url in Markdown format to clipboard, like [title](url) - Usual for posting links to resources in files
javascript:(function() {
function copyToClipboard(text) {
if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData) {
/*IE specific code path to prevent textarea being shown while dialog is visible.*/
return clipboardData.setData("Text", text);
} else if (document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported("copy")) {
var textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
textarea.textContent = text;
davidfowl /
Last active June 24, 2024 07:23
.NET project structure
staltz /
Last active June 25, 2024 15:13
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
jbenet /
Last active June 17, 2024 14:53
a simple git branching model

a simple git branching model (written in 2013)

This is a very simple git workflow. It (and variants) is in use by many people. I settled on it after using it very effectively at Athena. GitHub does something similar; Zach Holman mentioned it in this talk.

Update: Woah, thanks for all the attention. Didn't expect this simple rant to get popular.