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Created September 22, 2021 00:08
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Download archived BC COVID-19 hospitalization and ICU data into a single spreadsheet
# Download archived BC COVID-19 hospitalization data from the Archive of Canadian COVID-19 Data
# and extract data from JSON files into a single CSV spreadsheet
# bug: there may be a few dates with duplicate data from when the archive tool downloaded the same file twice in one day
# load modules
import os
import re
import json
from datetime import datetime
import requests # download files
import pandas as pd # manipulate data frames
from boto3 import client # Amazon S3 client
# (optional) change working directory where files will be downloaded
# os.chdir('/path/to/directory')
# define path to files of interest (e.g., BC hospitalization and ICU data)
file_path = 'archive/bc/cumulative-case-death-recover-hosp-icu-by-rha'
# get list of available files
cli = client('s3')
files = [key['Key'] for key in cli.list_objects(Bucket='', Prefix=file_path)['Contents']]
# (optional) filter out supplementary material from list of files (does not apply in this case)
# pat = re.compile('^.*/supplementary/') # match files in supplementary folder
# files = [s for s in files if not pat.match(s)]
# download files into working directory
base_url = '' # base URL of archive
for file in files:
req = requests.get(base_url + file)
with open(os.path.basename(file), 'wb') as f:
# create list of downloaded files
file_list = list(map(lambda f: os.path.basename(f), files))
# combine donwloaded JSON files into a single spreadsheet
data = list() # create empty list
for file in file_list:
## open file and read in as JSON
with open(file, 'r') as f:
d =
d = json.loads(d)
d = d['features'] # access content
d = pd.json_normalize(d) # flatten
d.columns = d.columns.str.replace('^attributes\.', '', regex = True) # clean column names
d.insert(0, 'file_datetime', datetime.strptime(file[-21:-5], '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M')) # add file datetime column (times are )
## append to list
## convert to single data frame
data = pd.concat(data)
# write final result as CSV
data.to_csv('data_out.csv', index=False)
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