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Created June 9, 2024 04:58
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from __future__ import annotations
import inspect
import djclick as click
from django import forms
from import CommandError
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from rich import print
@click.option("form_path", "--form-path", type=str, required=True)
def main(form_path):
# Import the form using the dotted path
form_class = import_string(form_path)
except ImportError:
raise CommandError(f'Form "{form_path}" could not be imported')
# Ensure the imported class is a subclass of forms.ModelForm
if not inspect.isclass(form_class) or not issubclass(form_class, forms.ModelForm):
raise CommandError(f'[red]"{form_path}" is not a valid Django form[/red]')
form = form_class()
print('{% csrf_token %}\n')
for field in form:
print(f'<div class="form-group">')
print(f' {{% if form.{}.is_hidden %}}')
print(f' {{{{ form.{} }}}}')
print(f' {{% else %}}')
print(f' <div class="form-group">')
print(f' <label for="{{{{ form.{}.id_for_label }}}}" class="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700">')
print(f' {{{{ form.{}.label }}}}')
print(f' </label>')
print(f' <div class="form-control">')
print(f' {{{{ form.{} }}}}')
print(f' </div>')
print(f' {{% if form.{}.help_text %}}')
print(f' <div class="mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500">')
print(f' {{{{ form.{}.help_text }}}}')
print(f' </div>')
print(f' {{% endif %}}')
print(f' {{% for error in form.{}.errors %}}')
print(f' <div class="mt-2 text-sm text-red-600">')
print(f' {{{{ error }}}}')
print(f' </div>')
print(f' {{% endfor %}}')
print(f' </div>')
print(f' {{% endif %}}')
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