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Last active January 13, 2020 15:03
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  • Save jefftriplett/7c3684361b8e2d71bb3a35f82ab4c4d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jefftriplett/7c3684361b8e2d71bb3a35f82ab4c4d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My setup for: Modd, Python, Django, TailwindCSS, Black, and pytest
# Update project requirements when requirements.txt changes.
requirements.txt {
prep +onchange: "pip install -U -r requirements.txt"
../.envrc {
prep +onchange: "direnv allow"
**/index.css **/tailwind.config.js {
prep +onchange: "make static"
# Whenever a Django Model file changes, create and apply our migrations.
**/ {
prep +onchange: "
echo @mods
python makemigrations
python migrate
# Run the test suite if a source or test file changes
**/tests/test_*.py {
# prep +onchange: pytest @dirmods
prep +onchange: pytest @mods
# Restart runserver when we update: config, apps, or signals.
daemon: "python runserver"
**/*.py {
prep +onchange: "black ."
# In theory, this would work for Docker if that's your jam.
# Update project requirements when requirements.txt changes.
requirements.txt {
prep +onchange: "docker-compose build"
# Whenever a Django Model file changes, create and apply our migrations.
**/ {
prep +onchange: "
echo @mods
docker-compose run web python makemigrations
docker-compose run web python migrate
# Run the test suite if a source or test file changes
**/tests/test_*.py {
# prep +onchange: "docker-compose run web pytest @dirmods"
prep +onchange: "docker-compose run web pytest @mods"
# Restart runserver when we update: config, apps, or signals.
daemon: "docker-compose up"
**/*.py {
prep +onchange: "docker-compose run web black ."
**/index.css **/tailwind.config.js {
prep +onchange: "
docker-compose run web npx tailwindcss build ./frontend/index.css --config ./frontend/tailwind.config.js --output ./frontend/output.css
docker-compose run web python collectstatic --noinput
# ../.envrc {
# prep +onchange: "direnv allow"
# }
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