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Last active January 2, 2023 22:48
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PSF News, building a desktop app with Django + Electron, Meilisearch, bulk admin actions, and more!
Django News
2022-12-30 11:00:00 +0000
Happy Django New Year!

PSF News, building a desktop app with Django + Electron, Meilisearch, bulk admin actions, and more!


Python Software Foundation - December 2022 Newsletter

In case you missed the PSF's December Newsletter, you might want to check it out to see what is the latest information about what is going on with the PSF and PyCon US 2023.


Electron + Django, desktop app integrate JavaScript & Python

Learn how to build a desktop app with Electron and Django in this two-part article. The Django application runs while the desktop app is running.

Making pip installs a little less slow

Some valuable advice for speeding up pip install both inside and outside of containers.

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We can help you with your project as experienced Django developers and consultants. Follow our open-source projects on GitHub at to see what we're working on and how we can support you.


PyCon Italia: Call For Proposals

You have until January 15th, 2023, AoE, to submit your talk to PyCon Italia 2023!


Introduction to Custom Actions and Bulk Actions in Django

Learn how to add custom and bulk actions to the Django admin dashboard in this tutorial.

Build a fast search UI with Meilisearch, HTMX and Django

Learn how to build an Airbnb-like property search UI using Meilisearch, an open-source, fast, and relevant search engine that can easily be added to your Django app. Use Django templates and HTMX for the front end, with just ten lines of javascript.


DjangoCon US: Django Logging Demystified with Lee Trout

Learn more about how Django leverages Python's logging facilities and how to customize logging for your application to support structured logging, custom formatting and more!

DjangoCon US: factory_boy: testing like a pro with Camila Maia

How to test complex objects using the library factory_boy. The lessons I’ve learned using the tool in a Django monolith containing 230+ tables and 75k+ relevant lines of code for over 3 years.

DjangoCon US: Herding your database queries: diagnosing, improving and guarding performance of DB interactions

Django ORM makes it easy to persist and retrieve DB information. However, it is also easy to accidentally introduce a lot of DB queries in your request flow if you are not careful. This talk goes over some scenarios where this can take place and demonstrates approaches to finding, eliminating, and ultimately protecting against these excessive and/or expensive queries.

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Django for Beginners/APIs/Professionals

Need a New Year's resolution? Level up your Django knowledge with Django for Beginners, Django for APIs, or Django for Professionals, or gift it to a friend. Sample chapters are available to preview for free.



ezinnit is an automated CICD deployment utility with templates for Django, Flask, and FastAPI.


django-trench provides a set of REST API endpoints to supplement django-rest-framework with multi-factor authentication (MFA, 2FA). It supports both standard built-in authentication methods, as well as JWT (JSON Web Token).

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