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Created May 11, 2020 14:07
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Mod 2 Week 1: Creating Your Vision, Part I

Start Where You Are (Empathize with the user -- you):

Health: how you answer “how are you”; intersection of physical, mental, and emotional health

How would you rate your overall health on a scale of 1-5?

Probably about a 2.5, I am not as healthy physically as I would like to be, and it affects my mental health (lack of confidence, etc.).

How do you currently make time for activities associated with your health?

Just started getting back out in the morning and doing some exercise, the remote learning kind of stalled that for me 8 weeks ago. Just gotta get back into a routine.

What is a small change you could make here to readjust your health ratings?

I really need to quit smoking. In addition to it being bad for my health, people used to compliment my smile a lot...not so much as a smoker.

Work: what you do

Make a short list of all the ways you work right now

fiance, student, son, brother

How much value do each of those things bring to your life? How are those activities purposeful for you?

These things are all valuable. Meaning something to someone else means a lot to me. But the student part is where I make myself mean something to myself.

Play: what brings you joy? Think about joy just for the pure sake of doing it; everyone benefits from this kind of play

Write and record raps!!!!!!!

What activities do you do that bring you joy throughout an average week?

My little bit of exercise recently has been really good for me.

In what ways could you make a small change to bring more joy into your life?

Might need to buy a PS4.....maybe.

Love: sense of connection; who are the people who matter in your life and how is love flowing to and from you and them?

I hope I express love the way I feel it, but that kind of boils down to gratitude for having them. Don't know how to show it all the time.

How does love currently show up in your life?

I wake up next to my favorite person everyday!

How do you show love to others right now?

I think cooking is my love language haha.

What adjustments would you like to make in this area?

Doing more special things for the individuals I love, just being thoughtful.

Looking back at the 4 areas, do any problems emerge that you want to begin designing solutions for?

I should probably get help quitting smoking, and with eating healthy on a budget.

Define your needs, problem, and insights:

So far smoking and eating have been a crutch that let me not address my physical and mental health. The immediate gratification of one of the two have been a hinderance to real progress.

Based on what you wrote about above and your group conversation, what problems have you identified that you'd like to design solutions for?

What do you already about what you want for your career? What do you still need to find out?

I know I would like to help establish an economic base for people who look like me. I think technology can do that.

Who or what do you want to grow into by the end of the Turing program?

The best version of myself!

Ideate -- challenge assumptions:

When you discussed software developers with your small group on Monday, what assumptions came up about what software developers actually do?

I don't remember us having many assumptions.

What steps could you take to challenge those assumptions and find more facts to answer the question of what developers do?

I do want to reach out and meet black people in technology. Start to compare their experiences and see what kind of things I can expect.

In addition to what a typical software developer life could look like, what do you want yours to include?

I want to be an owner at some point. I want to learn as a developer, but about time to be a Sr. dev, I want the knowledge to do my own thing.

Prototype -- start creating solutions:

What is the basic threshold that your new career must meet after Turing?

They have to be willing to teach.

What would you hope WILL NOT happen in your future after Turing?

That i have to explain myself and my credentials to people because of what i look like.

What is your absolute, no-holds-barred, ideal dream for your future after Turing?

I have to own a business.

Test –- solutions:

Based on this week of reflections, write out your vision statement for your career:

They'll never see me coming!

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Hi Jeremiah, great reflections so far. I am not seeing a resume, cover letter, or alumni page for you. Please let me know when these items are updated. Thanks.

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