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Jeremiah Black jeremiahblackol

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Mod 4 Week 1

Describe the person that you want to become?

Myself but more focused, and disciplined.

What have you done this week to work toward becoming that person?

go to the gym.

Dear Christian Beedgen (in case a hiring manager cannot be found),

I appreciate Sumo, as an art and a lifestyle. It has been my dream as a large human to be revered for my size, and appreciated for my intelligence, dedication, poise and athletecism.

My purpose for pursuing technology was and is, centered around the idea of helping businesses adapt to, and thrive in an evolved marketplace. I am excited by the prospect of working with Sumo Logic as a Jr. Front End Developer, because your mission is dope. I am entering Module 4 of 4 at Turing School of Software & Design. I am excited at every opportuntiy I get to look at code. It's like poetry and chemistry had a baby.

My background is in hospitality management. I worked my way up from security to management in a fast paced and loud bar. I managed a team of between 16 and 25 door guys, I wrote schedules, did inventory, new employee orientation, handled checkout procedures, and I encouraged and taught my team deescalation. I took pride in not having to hurt pe

Mod 3 Week 2: The Application Process

Find a position or use a position you've put on your Huntr board and write a cover letter for that position in a Google doc or gist. Reference these cover letter resources as well as the session to complete your cover letter.

Alloy Magnetic: Front End Dev Position

Dear (Megan Kilpatrick, CEO, in the event that I cannot find a hiring manager),

My adevnture in software development has been both the most taxing and rewarding adventure that I have ever been on. And I am excited by the prospect of continuing that adventure at Alloy Magnetic. There is an intersection between technology and service that has been calling my name for much of the last 4 years, and in November of 2019, I began the process of answering. I would love the chance to join your team as a Jr. Front-End Developer. My experience is in hospitality management, and I pride myself on how I treat others. There is something awesome about watching a person smile over a plate of fries, but I feel I was miss

Mod 3 Week 2: The Application Process

Find a position or use a position you've put on your Huntr board and write a cover letter for that position in a Google doc or gist. Reference these cover letter resources as well as the session to complete your cover letter.

Alloy Magnetic: Front End Dev Position

Dear (Megan Kilpatrick, CEO, in the event that I cannot find a hiring manager),

My adevnture in software development has been both the most taxing and rewarding adventure that I have ever been on. And I am excited by the prospect of continuing that adventure at Alloy Magnetic. There is an intersection between technology and service that has been calling my name for much of the last 4 years, and in November of 2019, I began the process of answering. I would love the chance to join your team as a Jr. Front-End Developer. My experience is in hospitality management, and I pride myself on how I treat others. There is something awesome about watching a person smile over a plate of fries, but I feel I was miss

Mod 3 Week 1: Professional Storytelling II: Resumes & Portfolios

Refine your career vision:

What are the values that will drive your job search?

Building a better life for my family, the potential of beginning generational wealth, helping to establish a black presence in tech, showing young black people there is another way, buying back Grandma's house.

What are your goals for your job search?

React Router Prework

This gist contains a short assignment I'd like everyone to complete before our formal lesson. The prework involves reading some of the React Router documentation, and will allow us to keep the lesson more hands on.


  1. Fork this gist
  2. On your own copy, go through the listed readings and answer associated questions
  3. Comment a link to your forked copy on the original gist

Questions / Readings

Take 10 minutes to research the following in breakout groups. When you get back, I'm gonna call on some people to answer and explain.

1. What does the fetch api do?
Requests data from an api
Allows us to get or modify data from an api

2. What does .fetch() return?
It returns a promise
A promise in a JS object that represents the eventual completion of an action

DTR: Define the Relationship Project: Mod 3 Rancid Tomatillos

One teammate should copy and paste the raw markdown into a gist of your own.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?

LW & JB: Driver/ Navigator better, open to divide and conquer. Just need a lot of communication.

* What is a "framework?" And how does it differ from a "library?"

A framework is kind of like a skeleton for how an application’s code will be written. It utilizes the necessary code from libraries for me, in order to make an application work.  A framework differs from a library because it has more rules than a library and is more restrictive, I believe this is because of its complexity and its potential need to access multiple libraries.  Libraries are just collections of code snippets that do particular tasks within the code, to be reused as needed.

* Why should we consider using a framework over vanilla JS like you have been doing in mods 1 and 2?

We should consider using frameworks because it is impossible to write complex, efficient and easy to maintain UIs with vanilla JavaScript. The UI needs to be in sync with the state, and there are significant chances of error, in the syncing, when using vanilla JS. It is harder to make our UI reflect our source of truth with vanilla JS.

* What is

Mod 2 Week 1: Creating Your Vision, Part I

Start Where You Are (Empathize with the user -- you):

Health: how you answer “how are you”; intersection of physical, mental, and emotional health

How would you rate your overall health on a scale of 1-5?

Probably about a 2.5, I am not as healthy physically as I would like to be, and it affects my mental health (lack of confidence, etc.).