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Jeremiah Black jeremiahblackol

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What is the value of a checklist?

Organization and timliness. It is beneficial to be able to go straight down a line and know what is done and what needs work. For a significant part of my time in hospitality I got away with remembering orders, but at the beginning of every job the checklist helps me get through. It sucks to bring someone's drinks right as their food gets there, and it really sucks to forget someone's order altogether. It's a legit "better safe than sorry" safeguard.

What do you plan to improve upon while at Turing?

I am hopeful that I can contribute to outreach immedietly. I don't think that everyone I know has the aptitude for a job in software development; but I do have friends that do, and I know they never even considered it as a career path. I think a few things play directly into this, one being the option was never presented to them, two is that their families value a hard days work over a smart days work (if that makes sense), and three is because even if the opportun

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

I consider my upbringing very different than most of my peers. My home was very much middle class, and both of my parents graduated from college. I think I was disconnected from my friends in that way and I had very little experience. There is kind of a blanket idea of what it means to grow up black, and while all of the experiences differ, there are certain things I believe all of my friends went through. I didn't have to. I am grateful for that, but I got to expierience many of the things my friends did as a young adult. Homelessness, charity baskets to eat, working not for myself but for my family. I was inserted into their shoes, my version of course, but I lived part of that blanket black experience. I never had any interactions with the police until I went through my struggles. Its not as if I had no empathy for the struggles of black people in America, but looking those problems in the eye made me want to actually change things. I emp

Jeremiah Black


Comp Recreations


Login Form Comp

DTR: Define the Relationship

One teammate should copy and paste the raw markdown into a gist of your own.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?

ed: i like to collaborate and push myself to collaborate, because i learn more in that setting. jeremiah: same.

Jeremiah Black

Winter Challenges

JavaScript DOM Challenges



  1. What was your biggest hurdle while you were learning to program?

2.(if minority) Do you notice any significant difference in the way you are treated to your coworkers? 2.1. Do you feel like your company values racial and ethnic diversity?

  1. What do you feel you could have done better to better your opportunities in the field?

  2. Has softwafe development always been an interest of yours, and if not, what was/is your motivation?

  3. Does you company afford you time, and the financial stability to pursue your passions outside of work?

My favorite movie of all time is 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day'. So before I knew anything about computers, I decided that my fate included me doing battle with the machine.

I graduated from Denver's East High School. I came to appreciate diversity there. I went to junior college in Coalinga, California, a town of about 7,000. There was nothing to do. I learned some discipline there. Then I got a scholarship, and went to Middle Tennessee State University to play football. It was fun, but I wasn't a person anymore, I was product, and I distinctly remember when coaches met me there, they patted my shoulders and chest and arms to see if I was solid. Teachers didn't expect much of me. I set a standard for myself there, I wasn't product. I graduated from Adams State University, with a degree in creative writing, I found what I loved there. And, I found, what I love doesn't pay that well.

Upon graduation, my family was going through a rough time. Homelessness. I got the first job I could find that would hire a big

Module 3

Please list the top 3-5 industries and companies you'll pursue in your job search as of right now.

  1. Civil Rights (specifically minrotiy small business)
  2. Inner City Education (stem related)
  3. Entrepreneurship
  4. Art/ Culture
  5. Fashion or streetwear

Mod 2 Week 1: Creating Your Vision, Part I

Start Where You Are (Empathize with the user -- you):

Health: how you answer “how are you”; intersection of physical, mental, and emotional health

How would you rate your overall health on a scale of 1-5?

Probably about a 2.5, I am not as healthy physically as I would like to be, and it affects my mental health (lack of confidence, etc.).

* What is a "framework?" And how does it differ from a "library?"

A framework is kind of like a skeleton for how an application’s code will be written. It utilizes the necessary code from libraries for me, in order to make an application work.  A framework differs from a library because it has more rules than a library and is more restrictive, I believe this is because of its complexity and its potential need to access multiple libraries.  Libraries are just collections of code snippets that do particular tasks within the code, to be reused as needed.

* Why should we consider using a framework over vanilla JS like you have been doing in mods 1 and 2?

We should consider using frameworks because it is impossible to write complex, efficient and easy to maintain UIs with vanilla JavaScript. The UI needs to be in sync with the state, and there are significant chances of error, in the syncing, when using vanilla JS. It is harder to make our UI reflect our source of truth with vanilla JS.

* What is