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Nagyman /
Last active July 14, 2024 16:13
Workflows in Django

Workflows (States) in Django

I'm going to cover a simple, but effective, utility for managing state and transitions (aka workflow). We often need to store the state (status) of a model and it should only be in one state at a time.

Common Software Uses

  • Publishing (Draft->Approved->Published->Expired->Deleted)
MikeRogers0 /
Last active May 19, 2020 15:33
A method of backing up your website to Amazon S3.
## Email Variables
EMAILDATE=`date --date="today" +%y-%m-%d`
SUBJECT="[servername] Backup Script Started! - "$EMAILDATE
echo "Just to let you know that the backup script has started."> $EMAILMESSAGE
/bin/mail -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL" < $EMAILMESSAGE
import datetime, time, functools, operator, types
default_fudge = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0, microseconds=0, days=0)
def deep_eq(_v1, _v2, datetime_fudge=default_fudge, _assert=False):
Tests for deep equality between two python data structures recursing
into sub-structures if necessary. Works with all python types including
iterators and generators. This function was dreampt up to test API responses
but could be used for anything. Be careful. With deeply nested structures