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Created May 18, 2019 06:45
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Parrot-sphinx within docker container, Anafi4K, experiments 18/05/2019
sh15:fix_jer$ docker exec -it hungry_kare /bin/bash
root@sh15:/# gz stats
Factor[0.86] SimTime[79.18] RealTime[93.22] Paused[F]
Factor[0.85] SimTime[79.35] RealTime[93.43] Paused[F]
Factor[0.85] SimTime[79.52] RealTime[93.63] Paused[F]
Factor[0.85] SimTime[79.69] RealTime[93.83] Paused[F]
root@sh15:/# gz topic --hz /gazebo/default/anafi4k/gimbal_2/horizontal_camera/image
Hz: 31.74
Hz: 29.39
Hz: 23.59
Hz: 21.42
Hz: 26.33
Hz: 26.53
Hz: 21.72
Hz: 23.75
Hz: 20.03
Hz: 28.89
Hz: 27.25
Hz: 25.16
Hz: 21.91
Hz: 25.91
Hz: 25.55
sh15:fix_jer$ make run-anafi4k
#sudo xhost +
docker run -it --rm --privileged --runtime=nvidia \
--env="DISPLAY" \
--env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" \
--volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" \
--network host \
-e NVIDIA_PATH=/usr/lib/nvidia-410 \
-v /usr/lib/nvidia-410:/usr/lib/nvidia-410:ro \
-v /tmp:/tmp \
-v /lib/modules:/lib/modules \
-t nvidia-parrot-sphinx \
/ /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/worlds/ /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/drones/anafi4k.drone::stolen_interface=
===> Starting sphinx_server
I firmwared_main: firmwared[12] starting
E firmwared_main: initial_cleanup_files scandir: No such file or directory
I firmwared_firmwares: indexing firmwares from folder '/usr/share/firmwared/firmwares/'
I firmwared_firmwares: done indexing firmwares
Parrot-Sphinx simulator version 1.2.1
connecting to firmwared version: 1.2.1
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 7.0.1
Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.
[Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Wrn] [] Triangle input semantic: 'TEXCOORD' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Triangle input semantic: 'TEXCOORD' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Triangle input semantic: 'TEXCOORD' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Triangle input semantic: 'TEXCOORD' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Triangle input semantic: 'TEXCOORD' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Triangle input semantic: 'TEXCOORD' is currently not supported
[Msg] created parameter server on http:8383
[Msg] connected to firmwared
[Msg] Preparation of firmware
I shd: wind: created: generation=2 sample_count=4000 sample_size=24 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=125
W firmwared_log: ls: cannot access '/usr/share/firmwared/firmwares//*.firmware': No such file or directory
W firmwared_log: stat: cannot stat '/usr/share/firmwared/firmwares//': No such file or directory
[Msg] preparation of firmwares is at 19%
[Msg] preparation of firmwares is at 19%
[Msg] preparation of firmwares is at 56%
[Msg] preparation of firmwares is at 100%
[Msg] firmware /usr/share/firmwared/firmwares// supported hardwares:
[Msg] anafi4k
I firmwared_instances: init_command_line: ro_boot_console = ro.boot.console=
I firmwared_instances: OUTER_PTS is /dev/pts/1
I firmwared_instances: INNER_PTS is /dev/pts/2
I apparmor_config: apparmor_load_profile(fdf5b87f0e735ff5a282840fb94ec1cc4d5b205b)
[Msg] Selected params to build .sdf file for anafi4k:
param low_gpu = 0
param product_pro = 0
param sdcard_serial = __undefined__
param simple_front_cam = 1
param with_front_cam = 1
param with_gimbal = 1
param with_kalamos = 0
param with_tof = false
I shd: omniscient_anafi4k: created: generation=2 sample_count=4000 sample_size=192 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=1125
I shd: time_anafi4k: created: generation=2 sample_count=4000 sample_size=24 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=128
I shd: battery_anafi4k: created: generation=2 sample_count=4000 sample_size=8 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=48
I shd: gps_anafi4k: created: generation=2 sample_count=4000 sample_size=48 sample_rate=1000 metadata_size=245
[Wrn] [] A timeout occurred for gimbal_motor_roll
[Wrn] [] A timeout occurred for gimbal_motor_pitch
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Wrn] [] Polylist input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported
[Msg] Drone anafi4k[fdf5b87f0e735ff5a282840fb94ec1cc4d5b205b] loaded
[Msg] WEB DASHBOARD IS ACCESSIBLE at http://localhost:9002
I firmwared_instances: launch_instance "/usr/share/firmwared/firmwares//"
I firmwared_instances: launch_pid_1
[Msg] Instance caustic_stephanie[fdf5b87f0e735ff5a282840fb94ec1cc4d5b205b] started
[Msg] All drones instantiated
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