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Jeremy Heffner jerheff

  • Winston Salem NC
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joeddav /
Last active August 5, 2023 14:29
Simple ChatGPT
import openai
class ChatGPT:
""" A very simple wrapper around OpenAI's ChatGPT API. Makes it easy to create custom messages & chat. """
def __init__(self, model="gpt-3.5-turbo", completion_hparams=None):
self.model = model
self.completion_hparams = completion_hparams or {}
self.history = []
self._messages = []
jwilson8767 /
Created February 19, 2019 19:05
Geopandas concurrent sjoin
from concurrent.futures import as_completed, ProcessPoolExecutor
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from import Sequence
from shapely import prepared
def sjoin(left_df, right_df, op='intersects', how='inner', lsuffix='left', rsuffix='right', fail_crs_mismatch: bool = True, fail_missing_geometries: bool = False) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
"""Spatial join of two GeoDataFrames. GeoPandas sjoin with concurrency (split naively using df slicing).
miguelmota / ssm_parameter.go
Last active September 26, 2023 10:36
AWS SSM Go SDK parameter store example
package main
import (
bagder /
Last active December 27, 2022 05:17
This once held TRR prefs. Now it has moved.


This content has moved.

Please go to bagder/TRRprefs for the current incarnation of the docs, and please help us out polish and maintain this documentation!

fchollet /
Last active September 13, 2023 03:34
Updated to the Keras 2.0 API.
'''This script goes along the blog post
"Building powerful image classification models using very little data"
It uses data that can be downloaded at:
In our setup, we:
- created a data/ folder
- created train/ and validation/ subfolders inside data/
- created cats/ and dogs/ subfolders inside train/ and validation/
- put the cat pictures index 0-999 in data/train/cats
# Run this on This AMI on AWS:
# You should get yourself a fully working GPU enabled tensorflow installation.
cd ~
# grab cuda 7.0
smly /
Last active February 28, 2021 10:46
An example to check the AUC score on a validation set for each 10 epochs.
An example to check the AUC score on a validation set for each 10 epochs.
I hope it will be helpful for optimizing number of epochs.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from keras.callbacks import Callback
stucchio /
Created April 14, 2013 15:46
The beta-distribution based bayesian bandit algorith,.
from numpy import *
from scipy.stats import beta
class BetaBandit(object):
def __init__(self, num_options=2, prior=(1.0,1.0)):
self.trials = zeros(shape=(num_options,), dtype=int)
self.successes = zeros(shape=(num_options,), dtype=int)
self.num_options = num_options
self.prior = prior
jvangael /
Created January 24, 2013 09:45
Little utility to transform a file with lines of json into a csv. The utility accepts a list of field names it will look for in the json and turn them into columns of the csv. This script relies on docopt and unicodecsv packages.
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Reads json lines from stdin and write csv to stdout.
Usage: -f <field>... -h | --help --version
-h --help Show this screen.