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Created January 5, 2017 09:42
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Powershell Module with cmdlet to upload files in a multipart-form POST
# It can be called like this:
$url ="http://localhost:12345/home/upload"
$form = @{ description = "Test 123." }
$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString "s3cr3t" -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("john", $pwd)
Get-ChildItem *.txt | Send-MultiPartFormToApi $url $form $creds -Verbose -WhatIf
function Send-MultiPartFormToApi {
# Attribution: [@akauppi's post](
# Remixed in: [@jeroen's post](
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false)]
ParameterSetName = "FilePath",
Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
$FilesKey = "files"
begin {
$LF = "`n"
$boundary = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
Write-Verbose "Setting up body with boundary $boundary"
$bodyArray = @()
foreach ($key in $FormEntries.Keys) {
$bodyArray += "--$boundary"
$bodyArray += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"$key`""
$bodyArray += ""
$bodyArray += $FormEntries.Item($key)
Write-Verbose "------ Composed multipart form (excl files) -----"
Write-Verbose ""
foreach($x in $bodyArray) { Write-Verbose "> $x"; }
Write-Verbose ""
Write-Verbose "------ ------------------------------------ -----"
$i = 0
process {
$fileName = (Split-Path -Path $FilePath -Leaf)
Write-Verbose "Processing $fileName"
$fileBytes = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FilePath)
$fileDataAsString = ([System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")).GetString($fileBytes)
$bodyArray += "--$boundary"
$bodyArray += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=`"$FilesKey[$i]`"; filename=`"$fileName`""
$bodyArray += "Content-Type: application/x-msdownload"
$bodyArray += ""
$bodyArray += $fileDataAsString
$i += 1
end {
Write-Verbose "Finalizing and invoking rest method after adding $i file(s)."
if ($i -eq 0) { throw "No files were provided from pipeline." }
$bodyArray += "--$boundary--"
$bodyLines = $bodyArray -join $LF
# $bodyLines | Out-File data.txt # Uncomment for extra debugging...
try {
if (!$WhatIfPreference) {
Invoke-RestMethod `
-Uri $Uri `
-Method Post `
-ContentType "multipart/form-data; boundary=`"$boundary`"" `
-Credential $Credential `
-Body $bodyLines
} else {
Write-Host "WHAT IF: Would've posted to $Uri body of length " + $bodyLines.Length
} catch [Exception] {
throw $_ # Terminate CmdLet on this situation.
Write-Verbose "Finished!"
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