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Created June 5, 2012 05:42
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Test of Rpubs
This document is just a test of RPubs platform for publishing R Markdown. I'll use the `survey` dataset from the `MASS` package to explore a few features.
```{r get_data, message=FALSE}
# Overview of the survey dataset
So let's have a look at this dataset
As you can see, it contains an assortment of measurements for `r nrow(survey)` individuals.
```{r describe_data}
# Are males taller?
boxplot(Height ~ Sex, survey)
fit1 <- lm(Height ~ Sex, survey)
Yes, as expected, males are taller. The expected difference is `r round(coef(fit1)['SexMale'], 1)` centimetres or `r round(coef(fit1)['SexMale'] / 2.54, 1) ` inches.
# Is smoking related to exercise?
```{r results='asis'}
survey$ExerSome <- survey$Exer %in% c("Freq", "Some")
tab1 <- table(smoke=survey$Smoke, exercise=survey$ExerSome)
print(xtable(tab1, caption='Cell counts'), 'html')
print(xtable(round(prop.table(tab1, 1), 2), caption='Proportion within smoker category'), 'html')
No, it doesn't look like it.
# What are the correlations between the different physical measurements?
pairs.panels(survey[, c("Wr.Hnd", "NW.Hnd", "Height")])
This above figure shows the pearson correlation coefficient between writing hand span (`Wr.Hnd`), non-writing hand span (`NW.Hnd`) and actual height (`Height`).
# Conclusion
As I said at the start, this is just my first test of the RPub publishing platform for R Markdown.
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