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Forked from anonymous/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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React = require 'react'
{map} = require 'ramda'
{div, ul, li, button} = require ('./tag')
React.render ( div [
div [
ul map ((a)-> li [a.type]), w.player.assets
button {onClick: act 'hurtAliens'}, 'Hurt aliens'
button {onClick: act 'getHelp'}, 'Get help'
]), document.getElementById 'game'
React = require 'react'
{isArrayLike} = require 'ramda'
# str -> fn
tag = (name) -> (args...)->
if isArrayLike args[0]
attrs = null
children = args
attrs = args[0]
children = args.slice 1
React.createElement name, attrs, children...
module.exports =
tag: tag
div: tag 'div'
button: tag 'button'
h1: tag 'h1'
ul: tag 'ul'
li: tag 'li'
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