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Last active May 8, 2023 09:30
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BlueSky User Interactions Neo4j Import, data collection courtesy
create constraint user_key if not exists for (u:User) require (u.key) is unique;
// add nodes
call apoc.load.json("","$.nodes")
yield value as nv
call { with nv
merge (n:User {key:nv.key})
on create set n +=,["key"],[])
} in transactions of 10000 rows;
// add relationships
call apoc.load.json("","$.edges") yield value as ev
call { with ev
match (source:User {key:ev.source}),(target:User {})
merge (source)-[r:INTERACTED {key:ev.key}]-(target)
set r += ev.attributes
} in transactions of 20000 rows;
// merge duplicate nodes
match (u:User)
with u.label as label, count(*) as count, collect(u) as users
where count > 1
call apoc.refactor.mergeNodes(users) yield node
return node;
create constraint user_label if not exists for (u:User) require (u.label) is unique;
call apoc.load.json("") yield value
return value.nodes[0], value.edges[0];
// Load threads, like the hellthread:
call apoc.load.json("","$") yield value as entry
call { with entry
with entry, as post
merge (p:Post {})
p += entry {.depth, .x, .y},
p += post { .root_post_id, .has_embedded_media, created_at: datetime(post.created_at), .text}
merge (parent:Post {id:post.parent_post_id})
merge (p)-[:PARENT]->(parent)
with *
match (u:User { label: entry.author_handle})
set u.did = post.author_did
merge (u)-[:POSTED]->(p)
} in transactions of 10000 rows;;
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jexp commented Apr 29, 2023

Visualization in Neo4j bloom with color and sizes

You can import it in Neo4j Sandbox (3 days) or AuraDB Free (perpetually free)
I made the data also available on our demo server with read-only username, password, database all "bluesky".


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jexp commented Apr 30, 2023

Example query:

match path = (u:User)-[:INTERACTED*2]-() 
where u.label = '' and all(r in relationships(path) where r.weight > 25)
return path limit 100


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