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Created September 1, 2023 08:43
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Neo4j Cypher Script to import slideshare data, create embeddings, a vector index, similarity search and extract authors and keywords
// gcloud projects list
:param projectId => 'xxxx'
// gcloud auth print-access-token
:param apiKey => 'xxx'
call apoc.load.json("") yield value
unwind value.User.Slideshow as slide
return slide limit 5;
call apoc.load.json("") yield value
unwind value.User.Slideshow as slide
return count(*);
call apoc.load.json("") yield value
unwind value.User.Slideshow as slide
create (s:Content {id: slide.ID})
set s += { description: slide.Description, title: slide.Title, url:slide.URL,
format:slide.Format, language:slide.Language, thumbnail:slide.ThumbnailURL,
created: apoc.temporal.toZonedTemporal(slide.Created),
updated: apoc.temporal.toZonedTemporal(slide.Updated) };
call['This is a test'], $apiKey, $projectId);
match (s:Content) where s.embedding is null
call { with s
call[coalesce(s.title,'') + " " + coalesce(s.description,'')], $apiKey, $projectId) yield embedding
set s.embedding = embedding
} in transactions of 10 rows;
CALL db.index.vector.createNodeIndex( "content","Content","embedding", 768,"cosine");
// index search for top 5 similar vectors with additional graph matching
WITH "decks about knowledge graphs and generative AI" as question
// generate vector embedding from the API
CALL[question], $apiToken, $project) yield embedding
// use the vector index
CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('content',5, embedding) yield node as content, score
MATCH (keyword)<-[:TAGGED]-(content)<-[:AUTHORED]-(author)
RETURN text, content.title, content.description,
collect(distinct as authors, collect(distinct as keywords
create constraint Keyword_name for (k:Keyword) require ( is unique;
match (s:Content) where not exists { (s)<-[:AUTHORED]-() }
call { with s
call apoc.util.sleep(100)
'Extract only authors with human names from the description as comma separated list on a single line, no newlines or bullet points and no leading comma.'+
'Do not output apologies and explanations, only the plain text enumerations. '+
'If you do not follow the instructions people will be hurt.\n' +
'Description: '+coalesce(s.description,''), $apiKey, $projectId) yield value
// with value.content, s.title, s.description
unwind split(value.content,',') as name
with trim(name) as name, s where coalesce(name,'') <> ''
merge (a:Author {name: name})
merge (s)<-[:AUTHORED]-(a)
} in transactions of 10 rows;
load csv with headers from 'file:///slides-keywords.csv' as row
with replace(,'"','') as id, replace(row.keyword,'"','') as keyword
match (s:Content {id:id})
merge (k:Keyword {name:keyword})
merge (s)-[:TAGGED]->(k);
create constraint Author_name for (a:Author) require ( is unique;
load csv with headers from 'file:///slides-authors.csv' as row
with replace(row.slide,'"','') as id, replace(,'"','') as author
match (s:Content {id:id})
merge (a:Author {name:author})
merge (a)-[:AUTHORED]->(s);
load csv with headers from 'file:///input-embeddings.csv' as row
with row.text as text, apoc.convert.fromJsonList(row.embedding) as embedding
where row.index = '5'
CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('content',5, embedding) yield node as content, score
MATCH (keyword)<-[:TAGGED]-(content)<-[:AUTHORED]-(author)
RETURN text, content.title, content.description,
collect( as authors, collect( as keywords
// virtual k-NN relationships <1s
match (c:Content)
CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('content',5, c.embedding) yield node, score
where c <> node
call apoc.create.vRelationship(c,'SIMILAR_TO',{score:score},node) yield rel
return c,node, rel
// initially create vector index on all the “embedding” properties of “Content” nodes using thecosine similarity function and vectors of width 768
CALL db.index.vector.createNodeIndex( "content","Content","embedding", 768,"cosine");
// index search for top 5 similar vectors with additional graph matching
WITH "decks about knowledge graphs and generative AI" as question
// generate vector embedding from the API
CALL[question], $apiToken, $project) yield embedding
// use the vector index
CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('content',5, embedding) yield node as content, score
MATCH (keyword)<-[:TAGGED]-(content)<-[:AUTHORED]-(author)
RETURN text, content.title, content.description,
collect(distinct as authors, collect(distinct as keywords
call['This is a test'], $apiKey, $projectId);
match (s:Content) where not exists { (s)-[:TAGGED]->() }
call { with s
call apoc.util.sleep(100)
'Extract relevant technology and use-case keywords from the description as comma separated list on a single line, no newlines or bullet points and no leading comma.'+
'Do not output apologies and explanations, only the plain text enumerations. '+
'If you do not follow the instructions people will be hurt.\n' +
'Description: '+coalesce(s.description,''), $apiKey, $projectId) yield value
// with value.content, s.title, s.description
unwind split(value.content,',') as keyword
with trim(keyword) as keyword, s where coalesce(keyword,'') <> ''
merge (k:Keyword {name: keyword})
merge (s)-[:TAGGED]->(k)
} in transactions of 10 rows;
MATCH (s:Content) with s limit 100 match p=(s)-->() RETURN p LIMIT 200;
load csv with headers from 'file:///embeddings.csv' as row
with row.`s.ID` as id, apoc.convert.fromJsonList(row.`s.embedding`) as embedding
match (c:Content {id:id}) set c.embedding = embedding;
match (s:Content) where s.embedding is null
call { with s
call[coalesce(s.title,'') + " " + coalesce(s.description,'')], $apiKey, $projectId) yield embedding
set s.embedding = embedding
} in transactions of 10 rows;
call['knowledge graph for fraud detection'], $apiKey, $projectId) yield embedding
match (s:Content)
with s, gds.similarity.cosine(s.embedding, embedding) as similarity
order by similarity desc limit 5
return s.title, s.description, s.url, similarity;
// index search for top 5 similar vectors with additional graph matching
WITH "decks about knowledge graphs and generative AI" as question
// generate vector embedding from the API
CALL[question], $apiKey, $projectId) yield embedding
// use the vector index
CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('content',5, embedding) yield node as slide, score
return slide.title, slide.description, slide.url, score;
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"Description": "Pierre Halftermeyer, Neo4j",
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"Description": "Luis Salvador, Neo4j",
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"Updated": "2023-07-10 09:21:37 UTC",
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"ID": "259115019",
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