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Created July 13, 2010 20:40
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  • Save jfhbrook/474491 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jfhbrook/474491 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Look ma, I can watch repos on github AND message irc!
//TODO: Like, Actually Install these things so they don't depend on abs. paths?
var sys = require('sys')
var GitHubApi = require('./lib/github').GitHubApi
//May want to use Jerk later. :/
var IRC = require('./lib/irc')
var gh = new GitHubApi(true)
var options = { server: '',
nick: 'lulzbot',
channels: ['#stackvm']}
var bot = new IRC(options)
bot.connect(function() {bot.join('#stackvm')})
trackBranch("jesusabdullah", "anisotropy", "master",
function(x) { bot.privmsg('#stackvm', x) }
trackBranch("substack", "dnode", "master",
function(x) { bot.privmsg('#stackvm', x) })
function trackBranch(username, repo, branch, shout) {
gh.getCommitApi().getBranchCommits(username, repo, branch, checker )
function checker(err, commits) {
var oldCommitId = commits[0].id //Set to 1 for testing (should be 0)
setInterval(function() {
gh.getCommitApi().getBranchCommits(username, repo, branch,
function(err, commits) {
var i = 0
while ( i < commits.length && commits[i].id !== oldCommitId ) {
if (i==0) {shout("Whoa nelly! New commits to "+username+"/"+repo+" ("+branch+")!")}
shout(" * "+commits[i]": "+commits[i].message)
i++ }
if (commits[0].id !== oldCommitId) {
shout(" ")}
oldCommitId = commits[0].id})
}, 15000)
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