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Created December 21, 2021 07:07
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*record scratch* *freeze frame* yup, that's me. you're probably wondering how I got in this situation
// I wanted to use in kitty. Kitty supports
// inline image functionality similar to iTerm2, and while I was too lazy
// to look up whether they're the same I *wasn't* too lazy to try and make
// terminal-image think it's running in iTerm2.
// So you dig down the dependency tree. terminal-image is by @sindresorhus,
// who is known for two things:
// 1. Going hard on es modules without support for require
// 2. Going hard on micro-modules with deep dependency trees
// The tree to get to the relevant logic looks like this:
// terminal-image
// |-term-img
// |- iterm2-version
// with term-img checking that `process.env.TERM_PROGRAM === ""; and
// iterm2-version additionally parsing process.env.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION. OK, fine,
// set those env variables in the shell, right? Well no - iterm2-version *also*
// checks that `process.platform === "darwin"`.
// So well, like I haven't done sketchy shit before:
const __platform = process.platform;
const __TERM_PROGRAM = process.env.TERM_PROGRAM;
function pretendToBeITerm() {
process.platform = "darwin";
process.env.TERM_PROGRAM = "";
process.env.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION = "3.0.15";
return function done() {
process.platform = __platform;
// and sure we can try to wrap every method coming out of the
// library to *do* that sketchy shit...
module.exports = {
async load() {
if (!this._terminalImage) {
// ...keeping in mind that dynamic import is asynchronous, so
// if you're on commonjs have fun injecting dependencies lol
this._terminalImage = (await import('terminal-image')).default;
// Hold my beer!!
['buffer', 'file', 'gifBuffer', 'gifFile'].forEach(method => {
this[method] = (...args) => {
const donePretending = pretendToBeITerm();
const rv = this._terminalImage[method](...args);
if (typeof rv.then === "function") {
rv = rv.then(r => {
return r;
} else {
return rv
// So we've been really clever and it'll work, right? Well no - if only:
// TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
// at terminalImage (file:///home/josh/joshiverse/apps/gritty/node_modules/term-img/index.js:29:20)
// at Object.terminalImage.buffer (file:///home/josh/joshiverse/apps/gritty/node_modules/terminal-image/index.js:95:9)
// at Object.terminalImage.file (file:///home/josh/joshiverse/apps/gritty/node_modules/terminal-image/index.js:103:16)
// at async main (/home/josh/joshiverse/apps/gritty/banner.js:49:15)
// My gambit to monkey patch terminal-image has been foiled by me not
// knowing any way to monkey patch the process object in another module.
// C'est la vie.
async function main() {
await module.exports.load();
// It turns out I don't actually want to do this anyway, doing
// it with proper text will work better. Shrug.
console.log(await module.exports.file('test.png', {width: 80}));
main().then(console.log, console.error);
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