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Last active September 13, 2021 12:56
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Save jgomezdans/5488682 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Landsat DN to radiance script using GDAL and Numpy.
#!/usr/bin/env python
SYNOPSIS [-h,--help] [-v,--verbose] [-i,--input] [-o,--output]
This program is used to extract the gain parameters and to convert
Landsat TM "digital numbers" (DNs) to top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiances.
The units of the output are W/(m2*ster*um). We assume that the user
provides an input band and that the band names follow the standard USGS
naming convention.
$ ./ --input LE71660672004161ASN01_B1.TIF --verbose
Tue Apr 30 14:26:06 2013
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B1.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B1_TOARAD.tif
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B2.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B2_TOARAD.tif
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B3.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B3_TOARAD.tif
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B4.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B4_TOARAD.tif
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B5.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B5_TOARAD.tif
Start reading LE71660672004161ASN01_B7.TIF
Using blocksize 7831 x 1
Creating output LE71660672004161ASN01_B7_TOARAD.tif
Tue Apr 30 14:26:31 2013
TOTAL TIME IN MINUTES: 0.429338383675
-1 if numpy and/or GDAL aren't present
J Gomez-Dans <>
This script is in the public domain, free from copyrights or restrictions.
import sys
import os
import traceback
import optparse
import time
import numpy as np
except ImportError:
print "You need numpy installed"
sys.exit ( -1 )
from osgeo import gdal
except ImportError:
print "You need GDAL installed"
sys.exit ( -1 )
def process_metadata ( fname ):
"""A function to extract the relelvant metadata from the
USGS control file. Returns dicionaries with LMAX, LMIN,
QCAL_LMIN and QCAL_LMAX for each of the bands of interest."""
fp = open( fname, 'r') # Open metadata file
lmax = {} # Dicts to store constants
lmin = {}
qc_lmax = {}
qc_lmin = {}
gain = {}
bias = {}
for line in fp: #
# Check for LMAX and LMIN strings
# Note that parse logic is identical to the first case
# This version of the code works, but is rather inelegant!
if ( line.find ("RADIANCE_MULT_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[3]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
gain[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
elif ( line.find ("RADIANCE_ADD_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[3]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
bias[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
elif ( line.find ("QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[4]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
qc_lmax[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
elif ( line.find ("QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[4]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
qc_lmin[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
elif ( line.find ("RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[3]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
lmax[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
elif ( line.find ("RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND") >= 0 ):
s = line.split("=") # Split by equal sign
the_band = int(s[0].split("_")[3]) # Band number as integer
if the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]: # Is this one of the bands we want?
lmin[the_band] = float ( s[-1] ) # Get constant as float
return ( bias, gain, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin )
def get_metadata ( fname ):
"""This function takes `fname`, a filename (opionally with a path), and
and works out the associated metadata file"""
original_fname = os.path.basename ( fname )
metadata_fname = original_fname.split("_")[0] + "_MTL.txt"
metadata_fname = os.path.join ( os.path.dirname ( fname ), metadata_fname )
return metadata_fname
def extract_chunk ( the_file, n_blocks=1 ):
"""A function that extracts a chunk from a datafile"""
ds_config = {}
g = gdal.Open ( the_file )
block_size = g.GetRasterBand(1).GetBlockSize()
nx = g.RasterXSize
ny = g.RasterYSize
the_bands = np.arange ( g.RasterCount ) + 1
proj = g.GetProjectionRef()
geoT = g.GetGeoTransform()
ds_config['nx'] = nx
ds_config['ny'] = ny
ds_config['nb'] = g.RasterCount
ds_config['geoT'] = geoT
ds_config['proj'] = proj
block_size = [ block_size[0]*n_blocks, block_size[1]*n_blocks ]
# store these numbers in variables that may change later
nx_valid = block_size[0]
ny_valid = block_size[1]
# find total x and y blocks to be read
nx_blocks = (int)((nx + block_size[0] - 1) / block_size[0]);
ny_blocks = (int)((ny + block_size[1] - 1) / block_size[1]);
buf_size = block_size[0]*block_size[1]
print("Using blocksize %s x %s" %(block_size[0], block_size[1]))
# start looping through blocks of data
# loop through X-lines
for X in xrange( nx_blocks ):
# change the block size of the final piece
if X == nx_blocks-1:
nx_valid = nx - X * block_size[0]
buf_size = nx_valid*ny_valid
# find X offset
this_X = X*block_size[0]
# reset buffer size for start of Y loop
ny_valid = block_size[1]
buf_size = nx_valid*ny_valid
# loop through Y lines
for Y in xrange( ny_blocks ):
# change the block size of the final piece
if Y == ny_blocks-1:
ny_valid = ny - Y * block_size[1]
buf_size = nx_valid*ny_valid
# find Y offset
this_Y = Y*block_size[1]
buf = g.ReadRaster(this_X, this_Y, nx_valid, ny_valid, \
buf_xsize=nx_valid, buf_ysize=ny_valid, \
band_list= the_bands )
a = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8 )
if len(the_bands) > 1:
data_in = a.reshape(( len(the_bands), ny_valid, nx_valid))
data_in = a.reshape(( ny_valid, nx_valid))
yield ( ds_config, this_X, this_Y, nx_valid, ny_valid, data_in )
def convert_to_radiance ( fname, band, gain, bias, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin, verbose ):
This function reads the input file chunk by chunk using ``extract_chunk``,
and converts from DN to radiance using the methodology given by
# This variable is used to create the output dataset when the first
# chunk of data is read.
first_time = True
# `extract_chunk` can be used to efficiently read chunks of data
# from a GDAL dataset. It uses a "generator", which means that we
# can iterate over it using e.g. a for loop
if verbose:
print "Start reading %s" % fname
# The output filaname.
output_fname = fname.replace(".TIF", "_TOARAD.tif" )
for ( ds_config, this_X, this_Y, nx_valid, ny_valid, data_in ) in \
extract_chunk ( fname ):
if first_time:
if verbose:
print "Creating output %s" % output_fname
# Create output dataset if `first_time` is true
drv = gdal.GetDriverByName ( "GTiff" )
dst_ds = drv.Create ( output_fname, ds_config['nx'], \
ds_config['ny'], 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, options=GDAL_OPTS )
dst_ds.SetGeoTransform ( ds_config['geoT'] )
dst_ds.SetProjection ( ds_config['proj'] )
first_time = False
# Create the output array. Not needed, but we can
# conveniently set the output type here to float32
radiance = np.zeros_like ( data_in, dtype=np.float32 )
# DN to radiance conversion if we have a sensible DN
passer = np.logical_and ( qc_lmin < data_in, data_in < qc_lmax )
radiance = np.where ( passer, \
(( lmax - lmin )/(qc_lmax-qc_lmin))*\
( (data_in*gain + bias) - qc_lmin) + lmin, \
-999 )
# Write the output chunk
dst_ds.GetRasterBand ( 1 ).WriteArray( radiance, \
xoff=this_X, yoff=this_Y)
# Add some useful metadata to the dataset
dst_ds.GetRasterBand( 1 ).SetNoDataValue ( -999 )
dst_ds.GetRasterBand( 1 ).SetMetadata ( {"Band": "%d" % band, \
"Units": "W/(m2*ster*um)", \
"Data": "TOA Radiance" } )
# Need to do this to flush the dataset to disk
dst_ds = None
def main ():
"""The main function"""
global options
global args
metadata_file = get_metadata ( options.input_f )
( gain, bias, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin ) = process_metadata ( metadata_file )
original_fname = os.path.basename ( options.input_f)
prefix = original_fname.split("_")[0]
fname_prefix = os.path.join ( os.path.dirname ( options.input_f ), prefix )
for the_band in [1,2,3,4,5,7]:
input_file = fname_prefix + "_B%d.TIF" % the_band
convert_to_radiance ( input_file, the_band, \
gain[the_band], bias[the_band], \
lmax[the_band], lmin[the_band], qc_lmax[the_band], \
qc_lmin[the_band], options.verbose )
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_time = time.time()
parser = optparse.OptionParser(formatter=optparse.TitledHelpFormatter(), \
usage=globals()['__doc__'] )
parser.add_option ('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', \
default=False, help='verbose output')
parser.add_option ('-i', '--input', action='store', dest="input_f",\
type=str, help='Input filename')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.verbose: print time.asctime()
if options.verbose: print time.asctime()
if options.verbose: print 'TOTAL TIME IN MINUTES:',
if options.verbose: print (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0
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I think this piece of code inludes error:
"radiance = np.where ( passer,
(( lmax - lmin )/(qc_lmax-qc_lmin))_
( (data_in_gain + bias) - qc_lmin) + lmin,
-999 )"

I don't uderstand this "(data_in_gain + bias)",
I think that (( lmax - lmin )/(qc_lmax-qc_lmin))_( data_in - qc_lmin) + lmin is more true

article about calculation of radiance and reflectance

I would like to use your code for my project

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IOrtegAmp commented Aug 18, 2017

Why is it necessary to put the fist_time flag? I tried to do some similar to your code but also implementing reflectance, DOS1 and DOS2, but only after the first calculations are made and image saved, the metadata file still exist, then is deleted i.e. I load metadata, then calculate radiance for band 1 and saved new image, then proceed to reflectance but at that moment the metadafile is delete from system, I debugged coded and find that in line

[227] dst_ds.SetGeoTransform ( ds_config['geoT'] )  or 
[228]: dst_ds.SetProjection ( ds_config['proj'] )

is when metadata file is delete, do you know what is causing that?

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from gdalconst import *
RED= gdal.Open("d:)
NIR= gdal.Open("d:)

print ('size ',RED.RasterXSize,'x',RED.RasterYSize,
print ('proek ',RED.GetProjection())

geotransform = RED.GetGeoTransform()
if not geotransform is None:
print ('nachal cor (',geotransform[0], ',',geotransform[3],')')
print ('razmer pix = (',geotransform[1], ',',geotransform[5],')')

band_RED = RED.GetRasterBand(1)
band_NIR = NIR.GetRasterBand(1)
proj = RED.GetProjection()
print ('Тип данных',gdal.GetDataTypeName(band_RED.DataType))
print ('Тип данных',gdal.GetDataTypeName(band_NIR.DataType))

if band_RED.GetOverviewCount() > 0:
print ('Канал содержит ', band_RED.GetOverviewCount(),' обзорных изображений.')
if not band_RED.GetRasterColorTable() is None:
print ('Канал содержит таблицу цветов с ',
band_RED.GetRasterColorTable().GetCount(), ' записями.')

if band_NIR.GetOverviewCount() > 0:
print ('Канал содержит ', band_NIR.GetOverviewCount(),' обзорных изображений.')
if not band_NIR.GetRasterColorTable() is None:
print ('Канал содержит таблицу цветов с ',
band_NIR.GetRasterColorTable().GetCount(), ' записями.')

array_RED = band_RED.ReadAsArray()
cut_RED = array_RED[3000:4000,3000:4000]
geotransform_cut = RED.GetGeoTransform()
print (cut_RED)

array_NIR = band_NIR.ReadAsArray()
cut_NIR = array_NIR[3000:4000,3000:4000]
geotransform_cut = NIR.GetGeoTransform()
print (cut_NIR)

NDVI = (calib_NIR - calib_RED)/(calib_NIR + calib_RED)

def Save (image, name):
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
dst_ds = driver.Create("d:\Rul\Python\Landsat 8{}.TIF".format(name), 1000, 1000, 1, gdal. GDT_Float32)
dst_ds.SetGeoTransform([geotransform[0]+3000geotransform[1],geotransform[1], 0,
geotransform[5], 0, geotransform[5]])

Save (calib_RED , 'RED')
Save (calib_NIR , 'NIR')
Save (NDVI , 'NDVI')

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Is it possible you've switched around gain/bias?
return ( bias, gain, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin )
( gain, bias, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin ) = process_metadata ( metadata_file )


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arashmad commented Aug 23, 2020

Is it possible you've switched around gain/bias?
return ( bias, gain, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin )
( gain, bias, lmax, lmin, qc_lmax, qc_lmin ) = process_metadata ( metadata_file )


I think the order should be followed.
def test_return():
a = 1
b = 2
return (a , b)

and then
(b, a) = test_retun()
print('a: %s' % a)
print('b: %s' % b)

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