- 姓名: 蒋海军
- 性别: 男
- 年龄: 25岁(1987年11月5日)
- 联系电话: 15721462117
- 学历及学位: 本科
- 个人照片: Gravatar
- 邮箱: jhjguxin@gmail.com; 864248765@qq.com
- Blog: http://jhjguxin.sinaapp.com/ ;jhj-blog
- 外语能力: 4级
- 熟悉 linux 系统(2009年, 至今),具有使用 python 编写脚本,使用基于 python 的 django 框架语言制作网站的经历, 其间实现了运用 django 对一翁教育网站的重写,完成了一个支持认证,支持 comment,支持 img upload 支持 markdown 的个人 blog.
- 于2011七月开始接触 ruby and rails,特别喜欢 ruby 的代码风格(认为代码编写一定要尽量按照该语言的最佳实践或者是 style-guide),认为一个项目的标准的文档是很有必要的,目前完成的项目有 bbtang.com 的 CMS 系统,基于 rails 的 blog 和基于 rails 的网上交易和支付 demo.
- 采用 pyside 完成了一个支持后台登陆支持即时交易以及历史记录查询的 ERP 系统
- 具有扎实的数学基础,掌握信息科学和计算科学的基本理论和基本知识
- 2 years experience in Internet project direction with web development.
- Familiar with Web development on Linux platform.
- Last year mainly to do with Ruby on Rails Web development, has been very skilled and has done several projects, did some Ruby gems and code snippets on my gist.
- Familiar with Git for source code version control.
- Familiar with Vim, Gedit, and I like use them for web development.
- Familiar with ruby language
- Familiar with Mongodb
- I was a bloger since 2010, I write blog to share my programming experiences sometimes.
- Every day use ruby-china, Github, cnbeta to watch some developers to share their experiences.
- Very interest in programming, and I’d want to do that in my life, if I can.
I'm a Web developer based in 上海 china with 133 public repositories and 15 followers * I've been using github.com since 2011 and sometimes I blog at http://jhjguxin.sinaapp.com/.
想做一个自己满意大家喜欢的东西. 具体说目标不怎么说得上来. 想多赚点钱, 想一群人有了点子就能想法设法的把它做起来. 我想去一个靠谱点的团队, 能接触一下很棒的开发模式. 至于工作环境我喜欢大家能够互通有无, 在团队中有什么新东西我还是喜欢 share 的. 大家都是码农肯定都有共同语言的不然的话估计我会觉得工作没啥成就感很孤单的感觉. 一个人在外面还是需要几个朋友的. 工作了这么久了大家有什么需求我还是能够想法设法的完成.
- 你要做什么?
- 这么做不行, 应该如何? 我们探讨一下这个问题, 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮.
- 那么你觉得该怎么做呢?
- 不明白怎么做好一个产品, 很好奇 怎么才是一个好的Leader
没问题,给我一点时间我可以做出来. 我希望在团队中能少数服从多数, 但是如果(我或者其他人)没有说服我, 我保留我自己的意见.
- Ruby (50%)
- Python (33%)
- JavaScript (16%)
2011 - 2012
Ruby - Creator & Owner
my first rails project base on enki
- Report Period: 2011-12-31 18:42:35 to 2012-11-18 01:16:11
- Age: 323 days, 26 active days (8.05%)
- Total Files: 561
- Total Lines of Code: 91333 (105700 added, 14367 removed)
- Total Commits: 61 (average 2.3 commits per active day, 0.2 per all days)
- Authors: 2 (average 30.5 commits per author)
Author Commits (%) + lines - lines First commit Last commit Age Active days # by commits jhjguxin 60 (98.36%) 105659 14323 2011-12-31 2012-05-22 142 days, 21:02:54 25 1 Francis Jiang 1 (1.64%) 41 44 2012-11-18 2012-11-18 0:00:00 1 2
这是我用 ruby 捣鼓的第一个 blog, 通过它对 ruby 就喜欢上了. 通过 ruby 我知道我要做什么, 也可以比较方便的去实现. 这里想吐槽 django 的 custom-template-tags 真心好复杂, django 的 后台代码真心好难懂.
This repository has 7 watchers and 1 fork* If you would like more information about this repository and my contributed code, please visit the repo on GitHub.
Ruby - Creator & Owner
微信公众平台 开放消息接口
- Report Period: 2012-12-28 16:39:39 to 2012-12-29 16:33:15
- Age: 2 days, 2 active days (100.00%)
- Total Files: 36
- Total Lines of Code: 1080 (1358 added, 278 removed)
- Total Commits: 13 (average 6.5 commits per active day, 6.5 per all days)
- 2 (average 6.5 commits per author)
Author Commits (%) + lines - lines First commit Last commit Age Active days # by commits jhjguxin 8 (61.54%) 1126 251 2012-12-28 2012-12-29 23:53:36 2 1 bbt_server 5 (38.46%) 232 27 2012-12-28 2012-12-29 23:05:25 2 2
这个项目基于 sinatra, 实现了对微信 服务器 发过来请求的定制化响应. sinatra 做一些后端的代理真的很简单. 玩了一下 'data_mapper', 这真的是从无到有的一个 gem.
This repository has 5 watchers and 1 fork* If you would like more information about this repository and my contributed code, please visit the repo on GitHub.
Ruby - Creator & Owner
A wrapper for 'open.t.qq.com' OAuth2 API
- Report Period: 2012-07-16 13:36:04 to 2012-10-25 20:25:32
- Age: 102 days, 3 active days (2.94%))
- Total Files: 71
- Total Lines of Code: 6769 (7679 added, 910 removed)
- Total Commits: 7 (average 2.3 commits per active day, 0.1 per all days)
- 2 (average 3.5 commits per author)
Author Commits (%) + lines - lines First commit Last commit Age Active days # by commits jhjguxin 6 (85.71%) 6896 603 2012-07-16 2012-10-25 101 days, 6:49:28 3 1 Francis Jiang 1 (14.29%) 783 307 2012-10-25 2012-10-25 0:00:00 1 2
这是我仿照 weibo2 写的用于 bbtang.com 能够使用 QQ 空间开放平台注册. 类似的我还写了 connect-qq, oauth_taobao, tqq2
This repository has 3 watchers and 0 forks* If you would like more information about this repository and my contributed code, please visit the repo on GitHub.
2012 - 2013
Python - Creator & Owner
the work log for francis
这是我的工作日志. 起初是听从第一个 leader 开始的. 慢慢就习惯了. 有日志可让你去找点事做, 做事能够有条理.
This repository has 2 watchers and 0 forks* If you would like more information about this repository and my contributed code, please visit the repo on GitHub.
2011 - 2012
Python - Creator & Owner
django,jquery,sqllite3,django-dynamicresponse 支持认证,支持comment,支持img upload 支持markdown,实现了work blog 到blog website 的即时更新功能...
- Report Period: 2011-04-16 16:20:13 to 2012-04-28 11:16:30
- Age: 379 days, 44 active days (11.61%)
- Total Files: 4097
- Total Lines of Code: 611806 (631533 added, 19727 removed)
- Total Commits: 74 (average 1.7 commits per active day, 0.2 per all days)
- 2 (average 37.0 commits per author)
Author Commits (%) + lines - lines First commit Last commit Age Active days # by commits jhjguxin 71 (95.95%) 134479 16125 2011-04-16 2012-03-06 324 days, 19:11:45 42 1 Francis Jiang 3 (4.05%) 540811 3906 2012-04-27 2012-04-28 14:19:29 2 2
这是我采用基于 python 的 django 框架. 来写的第一个个人blog. 一切来源网络, 最后回归网络. 知道了 mvc 是怎么回事, 知道了怎样去实现一个功能. 知道了要做一个网站需要的东西太多太多.
This repository has 2 watchers and 0 forks* If you would like more information about this repository and my contributed code, please visit the repo on GitHub.
2012 - 2013
ruby - Creator & Owner
An Advanced ruby CMS which build for bbtang.com, used ruby, rails, javascript, mysql, mongo, jquery and many ruby gems wrap.
- Report Period: 2012-06-08 19:57:40 to 2013-01-11 17:26:30
- Age: 218 days, 104 active days (47.71%)
- Total Files: 1044
- Total Lines of Code: 43165 (86402 added, 43237 removed)
- Total Commits: 300 (average 2.9 commits per active day, 1.4 per all days)
- 6 (average 50.0 commits per author)
Author Commits (%) + lines - lines First commit Last commit Age Active days # by commits jhjguxin 162 (54.00%) 23197 14293 2012-07-19 2013-01-11 175 days, 22:55:07 62 1 Francis Jiang 79 (26.33%) 55878 23459 2012-06-08 2012-11-17 161 days, 5:45:29 37 2 Andersen Fan 33 (11.00%) 777 6939 2012-06-18 2012-12-03 167 days, 16:04:56 19 3 bbt_server 24 (8.00%) 6706 1414 2012-08-08 2012-12-09 123 days, 4:16:27 12 4 dzl 1 (0.33%) 88 163 2012-06-18 2012-06-18 0:00:00 1 5 bbt 1 (0.33%) 43 19 2012-07-10 2012-07-10 0:00:00 1 6
总的来说接触了不少东西比如: resque,whenever, oauth(connect-qq tqq weibo taobao), paperclip, capistrano, cancan, devise 这些常用的gem都用了一遍,sql 和 nosql{https://gist.github.com/jhjguxin/3755631, https://gist.github.com/jhjguxin/3748880} 都用过一遍. 简单的说通过 askjane 和 bbtangcms 两个项目我的 gist 片段从 0 增长到了 90 个.
2011 - 2013
ruby - Creator & Owner
- Report Period: 2012-05-02 16:08:15 to 2013-02-19 15:13:24
- Age: 294 days, 213 active days (72.45%)
- Total Files: 1124
- Total Lines of Code: 48859 (252687 added, 203828 removed)
- Total Commits: 2075 (average 9.7 commits per active day, 7.1 per all days)
- 10 (average 207.5 commits per author)
Author Commits (%) + lines - lines First commit Last commit Age Active days # by commits Andersen Fan 1134 (54.65%) 214265 189772 2012-05-02 2013-01-22 265 days, 1:40:02 175 1 dzl 355 (17.11%) 38221 27250 2012-05-12 2012-12-07 209 days, 16:25:50 95 2 jhjguxin 287 (13.83%) 28268 11024 2012-07-17 2013-02-19 216 days, 20:18:40 82 3 Francis Jiang 158 (7.61%) 18162 7729 2012-05-28 2012-11-11 167 days, 9:18:13 47 4 server_74 48 (2.31%) 1366 2153 2012-05-03 2012-07-05 63 days, 19:43:16 26 5 dzl84394 43 (2.07%) 1691 754 2012-10-12 2012-12-14 63 days, 7:20:17 11 6 bbt_server 33 (1.59%) 851 620 2012-08-29 2013-02-05 159 days, 18:47:35 17 7 bbtang_server 14 (0.67%) 205 241 2012-07-10 2012-07-18 8 days, 2:19:02 5 8 root 2 (0.10%) 262 380 2012-05-10 2012-05-17 7 days, 7:04:33 2 9 unknown 1 (0.05%) 1 1 2012-05-04 2012-05-04 0:00:00 1 10
我主要负责 bbtang.com 的维护以及,二次开发。比如用户模块的维护以及及时的变更,开放平台注册设定,个人资料模块,队列任务(转发微博)等等。这是我做的正式的第一个项目, 通过这个项目比较深入的解了 devise, oauth, resque, ruby, mysql, mongo, javascript(个人资料模块, 用户认证相关功能的 js 基本上是由我自己折腾的).
2012 - 2013
Ruby - Creator & Owner
A wrapper for BabyTime API
- Report Period: 2013-01-05 16:24:57 to 2013-02-18 13:51:13
- Age: 45 days, 5 active days (11.11%)
- Total Files: 84
- Total Lines of Code: 2036 (2183 added, 147 removed)
- Total Commits: 10 (average 2.0 commits per active day, 0.2 per all days)
- 1 (average 10.0 commits per author)
Author Commits (%) + lines - lines First commit Last commit Age Active days # by commits jhjguxin 10 (100.00%) 2183 147 2013-01-05 2013-02-18 43 days, 21:26:16 5 1
主要构建了一个由 service 端代理到位于三方 application 接口的 ruby gem. 构建了一个比较清晰的功能逻辑结构(参照的oath2 weibo2). http 处理实现基于纯粹的 ruby-core lib. 实现了基础功能和 api 业务的逻辑分离.采用 rspec 测试代码有效性.
This repository has 1 watchers and 0 forks* If you would like more information about this repository and my contributed code, please visit the repo on GitHub.
2013 - Now
Ruby - Contributor
A wrapper for guanxi.me's api service application
- Report Period:2012-11-08 16:25:31 to 2013-07-31 21:47:39
- Age 266 days, 209 active days (78.57%)
- Total Files: 383
- Total Lines of Code: 30838 (72468 added, 41630 removed)
- Total Commits: 3796 (average 18.2 commits per active day, 14.3 per all days)
- Authors 13 (average 292.0 commits per author)
Author Commits (%) + lines - lines First commit Last commit Age Active days # by commits francis jiang 322 (8.48%) 14597 9439 2013-03-14 2013-07-31 139 days, 0:31:10 82 4
是一个主要为 app 提供 api 服务支持的应用程序, 核心有两点 基于socket 通讯的 IM 聊天, 基于大量数据的 relation_score. 从代码层面上说有很多怪癖。 我主要完成了 rspec 的基本覆盖, mongodb 集群搭建, deploy 方式从手动更新代码 'unicorn + nginx + capistrano + rvm', 智能推荐模块模块的 rebuild
ps: 还有一个亮点 10 W 用户, 目前数据库 占用空间 80 G ....
2013-03-21 16:28:32 to now
Ruby - Owner
A cms wrapper be used to manage gxservice, and it base on bbtcms
- Report Period:2013-03-21 16:28:32 to 2013-08-01 17:40:59
- Age: 134 days, 52 active days (38.81%)
- Total Files: 558
- Total Lines of Code: 25020 (28594 added, 3574 removed)
- Total Commits: 124 (average 2.4 commits per active day, 0.9 per all days)
- Authors: 4 (average 31.0 commits per author)
Author Commits (%) + lines - lines First commit Last commit Age Active days # by commits jhjguxin 95 (76.61%) 24898 3365 2013-03-21 2013-07-01 102 days, 7:22:52 40 1 francis jiang 24 (19.35%) 3235 267 2013-07-01 2013-08-01 31 days, 3:46:31 12 2 holin 4 (3.23%) 685 4 2013-07-25 2013-07-29 3 days, 16:33:40 3 3 guanxi_server 1 (0.81%) 15 6 2013-07-17 2013-07-17 0:00:00 1 4
基于我的上一个 cms 系统 bbtcms 二次开发, 主要有 授权, review user, report user, 定制消息推送, 事物中心 模块
- 每天总会看看 newrelic 监控有没有异常情况
- 遇到 bug 首先看日志, 解决问题看官方文档
- 每天总要花点时间去看 github.
- 能够每天写点 work log
- 喜欢随时看点新东西
- 总想着一劳永逸
- 偏好 respec 于 unit test -> rspec
- 喜欢拆分函数
- 总想把东西提出来共用
- 期望写出遵守最佳实践的代码
- 写代码的时候可能出现过度兴奋
- most visited sites:
- https://github.com
- http://api.rubyonrails.com
- http://www.ruby-doc.org
- http://stackoverflow.com
- https://gist.github.com
- http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ruby_Programming
- http://railscasts-china.com/
- http://www.nodebeginner.org/index-zh-cn.html
- http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ruby-doc-bundle/Manual/man-1.4/syntax.html
- https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides
- https://github.com/jhjguxin/project-manage
- http://jsfiddle.net/
- 进网站要看源代码, 喜欢动不动就摁一下
- 推荐使用
http://humanstxt.org/ - 我是一个喜欢折腾的人
- 现在看到以前写的代码总觉得有点小恶心。
- 看到别人写的好东西总想偷过来用用
偏好 respec 于 unit test -> rspec