Leaving this for historical reasons, but with the latest iteration I set up proper dotfiles. Check em out
After too many years of tinkering my machine is a bit all over. With Mojave High Sierra Montery I wanted to start fresh
Make sure everything is up to date.
2. Install XCode
xcode-select --install
3. Set OSX to show hidden files
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true
killall Finder
Copy the attached gitconfig settings and set your user info (left out to avoid issues)
cd ~/ && curl -O https://gist.github.com/jimmynotjim/7622492/raw/5e895d1da525594c14e1052feb5c9587fb99a41c/.gitconfig
git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"
git config --global user.email youremail@example.com
Visit GitHub's official guide for instructions.
Visit the Bash-It repo for more details.
Chruby is required for the rest of the setup, be sure to enable it when setting up Bash-It plugins
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/Bash-it/bash-it.git ~/.bash_it
~/.bash_it/install.sh --interactive
Open a new terminal window to use the Bash-It options you've set
cd ~/ && curl -O https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mvaneijgen/4c56701215847dd5ddcf/raw/d78a58ac38197f3b46afc38617e31a07f39370d2/material-theme.terminal && open ./material-theme.terminal
Open Terminal > Preferences (or CMD + ,) and select "Default" to make Material Theme the default theme
Many apps can be installed through Homebrew, homebrew-cask, and mas-cli which makes the process way simpler
Visit my Brew-It repo for more details.
git clone git@github.com:jimmynotjim/brew-it.git ~/.brew_it
brew update
brew upgrade
Add eval "$(rbenv init -)"
to your .bash_profile
and run the rbenv-doctor script
curl -fsSL https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv-installer/raw/master/bin/rbenv-doctor | bash
If everything is working fine, set up your preferred version of Ruby and install Bundler.
rbenv install 2.5.0
rbenv global 2.5.0
gem install bundler
Open .bash_profile
and make the following edits
- Add local bin and local sbin ahead of $PATH
Unfortunately some apps aren't available through homebrew, so you need to install it manually.
- Adobe Suite for image editing
- Hex Color Picker adds hex values to system picker
- Hotspot Sheild Private VPN
- LICEcap for GIF recording
- MacX Video Converter for video conversion
- ScreenFlow for screencast recording
As part of the brew installation nvm
should have been installed. It requires a bit of manual setup.
Create NVM's working directory if it doesn't exist:
mkdir ~/.nvm
Add the following to ~/.bash_profile
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
. "/usr/local/opt/nvm/nvm.sh"
Install your prefered version of node
nvm install 9
Install global packages
npm install -g yo bower gulp
12. Configure Sublime Text
- Install Package Manager
- Install Material Theme
- User Settings
- Package Settings
- Add subl command
ln -s /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl /usr/local/bin/subl
13. Install Alfred Workflows
Download Alfred Workflow Searcher
- Audio Switch
- Colors
- Dash
- Domainr
- Emoji
- Github Commands
- Kill Process
- MyIP
- Package Managers
- TerminalFinder
- TimeIn
- Transmit Favorites
- VirtualBox Control
- Install Franz Heidl's Open with Sublime Text
- Install Will Farrell's Encode/Decode
- Install Will Farrell's GitHub
- Install Kyle Roderick's Eject Disks workflow.
- Install David Fergusun's Rdio workflow
14. Set NPM user
npm adduser username
15. Download IE test VMs for VirtualBox
These take a while to download, so maybe do it on a separate day as a background process.
# IE8 - XP
curl -O "https://az412801.vo.msecnd.net/vhd/IEKitV1_Final/VirtualBox/OSX/IE8_XP/IE8.XP.For.MacVirtualBox.ova"
# IE9 - Win7
curl -O "https://az412801.vo.msecnd.net/vhd/IEKitV1_Final/VirtualBox/OSX/IE9_Win7/IE9.Win7.For.MacVirtualBox.part{1.sfx,2.rar,3.rar,4.rar,5.rar}"
# IE10 - Win8
curl -O "https://az412801.vo.msecnd.net/vhd/IEKitV1_Final/VirtualBox/OSX/IE10_Win8/IE10.Win8.For.MacVirtualBox.part{1.sfx,2.rar,3.rar}"
I'm using Vagrant to setup a few VMs locally for development.
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bits
vagrant box add precise64 http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box
This process has been borrowed from here, here, here, here, and here