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Last active December 22, 2024 10:22
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Cors proxies
Service SSL status Response Type Allowed methods Allowed headers Exposed headers Follow redirect Streamable WebSocket Upload limit Download limit Country code Comments
CORS bridged Mirrored Raw * All but expect Forbidden headers 16mb/request US (CA) Blog for docs & Testing
cors-anywhere Mirrored Raw * * * Up to 5x US Require Origin header
cors-anywhere @ glitch Mirrored Raw source
thingproxy * 100kb 100kb US Max 10 req/sec
Whatever Origin jsonp GET None None US
Go Between
goxcors Allways 200 Raw * * None US POST type is limited to x-www-form-urlencoded
Have a werd api
Response Type is Allways text/html
All Origins Only code in json Json, jsonp, Raw * None US When using raw you loose status information
Cloudflare Cors Anywhere Only code mirror (not statusText) Raw * All but expect Forbidden headers none none none 100,000 requests/day 1,000 requests/10 minutes

Possible dead Only code mirror Raw GET, HEAD US GET 2MB 2MB US Require Origin header
HTML Driven
Taskcluster * US All request must be made within the request body
Only whitelisted for taskcluster
anyorigin jsonp GET none none US
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@jimmywarting could you help add Corsfix to this great list? thank you!

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Sharing Corsfix here! It covers everything essential for a CORS Proxy

* Mirrored status, response type, and response

* Supports all HTTP methods

* Supports all data types

* Override request headers (send forbidden headers)

* Follow redirects

I initially created it for my own project (, and now I'm sharing it to everyone who needs it. Free 1000 credits if you sign up before the end of the month!

I mean users can just steal your key for cors lol

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@Kreijstal, thanks for the comment, you are right and that's a fair assessment
I thought about this specifically, so I made it that for each application (api key), it is only usable for the specified allowed origins and allowed URLs (remote resources)

so even though the api key is passed through the client side, it is only usable for your website, and the target resource you are fetching

happy to answer any additional comments or questions!

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Hi everyone, sharing some update for Corsfix based on the feedbacks

  • Removed API key
    • This was unnecessary, plus I agreed with the feedback by Kreijstal
    • The proxied requests will be validated only by the Origin and the target URLs
  • Free for development
    • There are some good options for self-hosting CORS proxy like Cloudflare
    • However if you don't want to go through the whole setup, and need to just start proxying immediately, you can use Corsfix for free for development
  • Free for open source
  • Unlimited monthly requests
    • Since websites can get tons of requests anyway, I’m ditching the credit system and making it unlimited

That's all, thank you and hope these changes make it easier for everyone to try Corsfix!

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we're finally launching the new CorsProxy. This has been in the works for the past 10 months and we appreciate all the support and feedback you've provided while we've been building. Thank you for joining our waitlist and for your support as we've been building and refining CorsProxy.

What's new in CorsProxy:

  • Analytics & Debugging: Get a personalized overview of your data, making your workflow smoother and more efficient.
  • Flexible payment plans: Choose a plan that fits your unique needs, whether you’re a solo developer or part of a larger team. Or simply use it for free.
  • New Website: We have completely redesigned our website to provide customers with a clearer overview of the project's benefits.

We would love to improve our service. If you have some feedback for us, please send it to support[at] and we'd love to talk to you.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-12-10 um 15 48 02

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or just use and pay nobody (this is for you as a user, not as a dev)

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