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Jim Pick jimpick

  • HexCamp
  • Victoria, BC, Canada
  • X @jimpick
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var sha = require('sha.js')
var umkv = require('unordered-materialized-kv')
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
module.exports = ContentAddressableStore
function ContentAddressableStore (db, opts) {
var kv = umkv(db)
var events = new EventEmitter()
opts = opts || {}
const crypto = require('crypto'),
sha = crypto.createHash('sha1'),
hyperdb = require('hyperdb'),
hyperdiscovery = require('hyperdiscovery'),
cms = require('random-access-idb')('cms'),
webrtc = require('webrtc-swarm'),
signalhub = require('signalhub'),
hyperdrive = require('hyperdrive'),
pump = require('pump');
// control the session data on your connection
experimental.datPeers.setSessionData(obj) // obj must be no larger than 255 bytes when JSONified
// manage connected peers
var peers = experimental.datPeers.list() // list all peers connected to the current page's dat
var peer = experimental.datPeers.get(peerId)
await experimental.datPeers.broadcast(data) // send a message to all peers
experimental.datPeers.addEventListener('connect') // new peer
experimental.datPeers.addEventListener('disconnect') // peer closed connection
mattdesl /
Last active July 22, 2019 06:31
wasm + budo/browserify

Transferring your dats from one beaker to another

WARNING 1. If you do this, it MUST be either a transfer or a backup. Don't do this to run your Dats from two different computers. The Dat protocol doesn't support multiple computers running a Dat at the same time (yet) and you WILL corrupt your data.

WARNING 2. This will nuke the data in your new install.

WARNING 3. I havent actually tried this. Good luck!

If you're using Beaker 0.7.x, you'll need to copy part of your Beaker app data, and then your library folder (~/Sites).

cblgh /
Last active May 1, 2018 19:29
make the p2p web with dat's primitives

low level primitives (in ascending abstraction)

  • hypercore works with individual posts in an append-only feed
  • hyperdrive abstracted filestore / works with files
  • hyperdiscovery create p2p swarms for hypercores, hyperdrives, and hyperdbs
  • hyperdb key-value database

higher level abstractions

  • webdb database; basically a document(?) store
  • dat-node built ontop of hypercore & hyperdrive, abstracts a bunch of stuff; less complex but also less flexible

Using Dat with a domain

My personl site is hosted at (link) so that you can access it via dat and https. My canonical dat url is dat://

Before I used hashbase I used Github Pages, and today it dawned on me that I can have dat:// work too. It's pretty simple if you know the dat dns spec.

All I had to do was add /.well-known/dat to my site (click to view). I put the raw dat URL of my site in that file, along with a TTL.

ldez /
Last active June 9, 2024 05:23
Gmail and GitHub - Filters

Gmail and GitHub

How to filter emails from GitHub in Gmail and flag them with labels.

The labels in this document are just examples.

Pull Request

Filter Label
roccomuso / index.html
Last active April 10, 2018 18:44
p2p-graph esnextbin sketch
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