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Forked from ufonzak/du4.hs
Created October 20, 2010 18:33
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import Data.List
import IO
import List
import Graphics.HGL
Code by Jiří Daněk - Thank you for your permission and this code
-- ukolem je matice 4x4
rozmer = 4
-- ze vsech matic vyfiltruji ty, co popisuji relaci a z nich ty, kde 3 a 2 nejsou srovnatelné
uplny_vysledek = vysledek $ relace $ matice rozmer
-- matice, kde 3 a 2 nejsou v relaci
vysledek mat' = filter fce mat'
fce m = ((sloupec 3) . (radek 2)) m == False && ((sloupec 2) . (radek 3)) m == False
-- relace usporadani je taková matice, která je reflexivni, tranzitivni, ...
relace mat' = filter fce mat'
-- to prokazdy je muj pokus o cyklus foreach na všechny prvky v matici ;-)
fce m = reflexivni m && prokazdy rozmer tranzitivni m && prokazdy rozmer antisymetricka m
-- vytvori n-prvkový vektor a udělá z něj sqrt(n)-prvkovou čtvercovou matici
matice n = zmaticuj n $ sequence $ ple (n*n)
zmaticuj :: Int -> [[Bool]] -> [[[Bool]]]
zmaticuj n m = map (chunk n) m
--rozdělí seznam na pole n-prvkových seznamů
chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunk n [] = []
chunk n xs = ys : chunk n zs
where (ys,zs) = splitAt n xs
-- vygeneruje vsechny moznosti jak udělat n-prvkový vektor
vektor :: Integer -> [[Bool]]
vektor 1 = [[True], [False]]
vektor n = map fce (vektor (n-1)) ++ map (++[False]) (vektor (n-1))
fce = (++[True])
-- to stejné, jen kratšeji
ple :: Int -> [[Bool]]
ple 1 = [[True,False]]
ple n = [True,False] : (ple (n-1))
reflexivni [[True]] = True
reflexivni [[False]] = False
reflexivni (b:xb) = head b && reflexivni (map tail xb)
tranzitivni :: [[Bool]] -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
tranzitivni matice (i, j)
| i == j = True
| a == True = all (==True) b
| otherwise = True
a = ((sloupec j) . (radek i)) matice
g = radek j matice
b = map fce [1..rozmer]
where fce r
| sloupec r g == True = ((sloupec r) . (radek i)) matice
| otherwise = True
antisymetricka :: [[Bool]] -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
antisymetricka matice (i, j)
| i == j = True
| a == True && b == True = False
| otherwise = True
a = ((sloupec j) . (radek i)) matice
b = ((sloupec i) . (radek j)) matice
-- vybrat radek matice a sloupec. Použije se to ((sloupec 2) . (radek 3)) matice
radek :: (Num t) => t -> [a] -> a
radek 1 mat = head mat
radek m mat = radek (m-1) (tail mat)
sloupec = radek
-- pro všechny i,j od jedničky do n to zavolá funkci a ta funkce musi po kazdy vratit True.
prokazdy :: Int -> ([[Bool]] -> (Int, Int) -> Bool) -> [[Bool]] -> Bool
prokazdy n funkce matice = all (==True) $ map (funkce matice) [(i,j) | i <- [1..n], j <- [1..n]]
ocisluj retezec cislo = show cislo ++ ")\n" ++ retezec
vypis s = unlines (zipWith ocisluj vysle ([1..(length vysle)]))
vysle = map debugMatice s
debugMatice :: [[Bool]] -> String
debugMatice matice = foldl radky "" matice
-- radky :: [Bool] -> [String] -> [String]
radky acc radek = acc ++ (foldl prvky "" radek) ++ "\n"
prvky :: String -> Bool -> String
prvky acc prvek
| prvek == True = acc ++ "1 "
| prvek == False = acc ++ "0 "
main2 = do
let v = uplny_vysledek
putStrLn ("Celkem matic: " ++ show ( length v))
let retezce = map debugMatice v
putStr $ vypis v
return ()
Code by Martin Žák
main = runGraphics $ do
let v = uplny_vysledek
w <- openWindowEx "Relace" Nothing (windowX,windowY) DoubleBuffered (Just 1000) --open window
menu w v
-- help function (you can see all again and again)
menu :: Window -> [[[Bool]]] -> IO b
menu w v = do
drawMbyM w v 1
menu w v
-- draw matrix by matrix
drawMbyM :: (Num a) => Window -> [[[Bool]]] -> a -> IO ()
drawMbyM w [] _ = return ()
drawMbyM w (x:xs) n = do
clearWindow w
drawInWindow w $ withTextAlignment (Left',Top) $ withTextColor (RGB 180 255 180) $ text (0, 0) ((show n) ++ " -> " ++ debugMatice x)
let len = (length x)
drawRow w x (zip (map (getCirclePosX len) [0..(len-1)]) (map (getCirclePosY len) [0..(len-1)]))
p <- wGetChar w --just wait for key press
drawMbyM w xs (n+1)
-- draw row
drawRow :: Window -> [[Bool]] -> [(Int, Int)] -> IO ()
drawRow _ [] _ = return ()
drawRow w (x:xs) (y:ys) = do
let len = (length ys) - (length xs)
let act = (y:ys) !! len
drawInWindow w $ withTextAlignment (Left',Top) $ withTextColor (RGB 180 255 180) (text ((fst act),(snd act)) (show (len + 1)))
drawRelations w x act (y:ys)
drawRow w xs (y:ys)
-- draw arrows when is in R
drawRelations :: Window -> [Bool] -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)] -> IO ()
drawRelations _ [] _ _ = return ()
drawRelations w (x:xs) (pX,pY) (y:ys) = do
let elX = fst y + ((pX - (fst y)) `div` 5)
let elY = snd y + ((pY - (snd y)) `div` 5)
case x of
True -> do
drawInWindow w $ line (pX,pY) y
drawInWindow w $ ellipse (elX - 3,elY - 3) (elX + 3,elY + 3)
drawRelations w xs (pX,pY) ys
False -> drawRelations w xs (pX,pY) (ys)
-- just get Location from unit circle
getCirclePosX :: Int -> Int -> Int
getCirclePosX t p = fromInteger (truncate $ (cos $ 2 * pi * (fromIntegral p) / (fromIntegral t)) * 100) + 120
getCirclePosY :: Int -> Int -> Int
getCirclePosY t p = fromInteger (truncate $ (sin $ 2 * pi * (fromIntegral p) / (fromIntegral t)) * 100) + 140
windowX :: Int
windowX = 400
windowY :: Int
windowY = 400
windowCenterH :: Int
windowCenterH = (windowX) `div` 2
windowCenterV :: Int
windowCenterV = (windowY) `div` 2
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