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Forked from Newmu/
Created December 10, 2015 11:39
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Simple Generative Adversarial Network Demo
import os
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from time import time
from foxhound import activations
from foxhound import updates
from foxhound import inits
from foxhound.theano_utils import floatX, sharedX
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from scipy.misc import imsave, imread
leakyrectify = activations.LeakyRectify()
rectify = activations.Rectify()
tanh = activations.Tanh()
sigmoid = activations.Sigmoid()
bce = T.nnet.binary_crossentropy
batch_size = 128
nh = 2048
init_fn = inits.Normal(scale=0.02)
def gaussian_likelihood(X, u=0., s=1.):
return (1./(s*np.sqrt(2*np.pi)))*np.exp(-(((X - u)**2)/(2*s**2)))
def scale_and_shift(X, g, b, e=1e-8):
X = X*g + b
return X
def g(X, w, g, b, w2, g2, b2, wo):
h = leakyrectify(scale_and_shift(, w), g, b))
h2 = leakyrectify(scale_and_shift(, w2), g2, b2))
y =, wo)
return y
def d(X, w, g, b, w2, g2, b2, wo):
h = rectify(scale_and_shift(, w), g, b))
h2 = tanh(scale_and_shift(, w2), g2, b2))
y = sigmoid(, wo))
return y
gw = init_fn((1, nh))
gg = inits.Constant(1.)(nh)
gg = inits.Normal(1., 0.02)(nh)
gb = inits.Normal(0., 0.02)(nh)
gw2 = init_fn((nh, nh))
gg2 = inits.Normal(1., 0.02)(nh)
gb2 = inits.Normal(0., 0.02)(nh)
gy = init_fn((nh, 1))
ggy = inits.Constant(1.)(1)
gby = inits.Normal(0., 0.02)(1)
dw = init_fn((1, nh))
dg = inits.Normal(1., 0.02)(nh)
db = inits.Normal(0., 0.02)(nh)
dw2 = init_fn((nh, nh))
dg2 = inits.Normal(1., 0.02)(nh)
db2 = inits.Normal(0., 0.02)(nh)
dy = init_fn((nh, 1))
dgy = inits.Normal(1., 0.02)(1)
dby = inits.Normal(0., 0.02)(1)
g_params = [gw, gg, gb, gw2, gg2, gb2, gy]
d_params = [dw, dg, db, dw2, dg2, db2, dy]
Z = T.matrix()
X = T.matrix()
gen = g(Z, *g_params)
p_real = d(X, *d_params)
p_gen = d(gen, *d_params)
d_cost_real = bce(p_real, T.ones(p_real.shape)).mean()
d_cost_gen = bce(p_gen, T.zeros(p_gen.shape)).mean()
g_cost_d = bce(p_gen, T.ones(p_gen.shape)).mean()
d_cost = d_cost_real + d_cost_gen
g_cost = g_cost_d
cost = [g_cost, d_cost, d_cost_real, d_cost_gen]
lr = 0.001
lrt = sharedX(lr)
d_updater = updates.Adam(lr=lrt)
g_updater = updates.Adam(lr=lrt)
d_updates = d_updater(d_params, d_cost)
g_updates = g_updater(g_params, g_cost)
updates = d_updates + g_updates
_train_g = theano.function([X, Z], cost, updates=g_updates)
_train_d = theano.function([X, Z], cost, updates=d_updates)
_train_both = theano.function([X, Z], cost, updates=updates)
_gen = theano.function([Z], gen)
_score = theano.function([X], p_real)
_cost = theano.function([X, Z], cost)
fig = plt.figure()
def vis(i):
s = 1.
u = 0.
zs = np.linspace(-1, 1, 500).astype('float32')
xs = np.linspace(-5, 5, 500).astype('float32')
ps = gaussian_likelihood(xs, 1.)
gs = _gen(zs.reshape(-1, 1)).flatten()
preal = _score(xs.reshape(-1, 1)).flatten()
kde = gaussian_kde(gs)
plt.plot(xs, ps, '--', lw=2)
plt.plot(xs, kde(xs), lw=2)
plt.plot(xs, preal, lw=2)
plt.xlim([-5., 5.])
plt.ylim([0., 1.])
plt.legend(['P(data)', 'G(z)', 'D(x)'])
plt.title('GAN learning guassian')
for i in range(10000):
zmb = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(batch_size, 1)).astype('float32')
xmb = np.random.normal(1., 1, size=(batch_size, 1)).astype('float32')
if i % 10 == 0:
_train_g(xmb, zmb)
_train_d(xmb, zmb)
if i % 10 == 0:
print i
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