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Last active August 6, 2020 18:01
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Vim: Change number format
" replace decimal under cursor or the visual selection with a different
" number format (hex, binary, etc.)
function! FuncTheNum(mode)
if a:mode == 'n'
let word = expand("<cword>")
execute "normal! viw\<Esc>"
elseif a:mode == 'v'
let save_reg = getreg('a', 1, 1)
let save_reg_type = getregtype('a')
execute "normal! \<Esc>gv\"ay"
call setreg('a', '', 'ac')
let word = @a
call setreg('a', save_reg, save_reg_type)
echoerr "invalid mode (" . a:mode . ")"
let hexword = printf("%04X", word)
let bytword = printf("%02c", word)
let binword = printf("%08b", word)
let octword = printf("%o", word)
let noop = 5
let opts = {
\ '1': ['hex', hexword],
\ '2': ['byte', bytword],
\ '3': ['binary', binword],
\ '4': ['octal', octword],
\ noop: ["just don't", word]
let input_msg = "Replace with which? Select by inputting \\d<CR>.\n"
for item in items(opts)
let selector = item[0]
let result = join(item[1], ': ')
let input_msg .= printf("(%s) %s\n", selector, result)
let in = input(input_msg)
if in !~ '[0-5]'
throw "invalid input: " . in
elseif in == noop
let newword = opts[in][1]
" for now just replace the fist occurrence of input word
execute 'substitute/' . word . '/' . newword . '/'
nnoremap <Leader>num :call FuncTheNum('n')<CR>
xnoremap <Leader>num :call FuncTheNum('v')<CR>
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