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jjaderberg / functhenum.vim
Last active August 6, 2020 18:01
Vim: Change number format
" replace decimal under cursor or the visual selection with a different
" number format (hex, binary, etc.)
function! FuncTheNum(mode)
if a:mode == 'n'
let word = expand("<cword>")
execute "normal! viw\<Esc>"
elseif a:mode == 'v'
let save_reg = getreg('a', 1, 1)
let save_reg_type = getregtype('a')
execute "normal! \<Esc>gv\"ay"
# Update installed Neo4j service configuration
# Script to illustrate the update service command.
# 1. Configure heap size in neo4j.conf; install and run service. Check memory config in debug.log.
# 2. Stop service and change heap size in neo4j.conf.
# 3. Run update service command
# 4. Start service and check memory config in debug.log.

Skill Match


You have access to a network of people connected with each other, living in different locations, with various skill sets. You are looking for a suitable candidate for a job. Let’s see how a graph database can help you match the job with the people you know.

Initialize graph

The 2016 NFL Draft


jjaderberg / nfl_draft.adoc
Created May 11, 2017 16:05 — forked from davidoliverSP2/nfl_draft.adoc
The 2016 NFL Draft

The 2016 NFL Draft


jjaderberg / lisa_task.adoc
Last active April 24, 2017 17:11 — forked from libja/lisa_task.adoc
CHANGEME: GraphGist Template. Fork to make your own, view source to see instruction comments

Create the optimal WOD (in work)

Let’s make it easy to find out what exercises to include when you gather your Crossfit friends. First create a list of exercises, then find out what favorite exercises you share to create the optimal WOD (Workout of the day).

jjaderberg / graph_gist_template.adoc
Last active April 13, 2017 09:35 — forked from jexp/graph_gist_template.adoc
CHANGEME: GraphGist Template. Fork to make your own, view source to see instruction comments



Interpreting Citation Patterns in Academic Publications: A research aid

Academic research largely consists in reading and writing texts. These texts can be modelled as a conversation. To be a reasercher, on this model, is to enter into a scientific conversation, to listen (read) and occassionaly to speak (write).

Authors write things

Texts embodying contributions to the scientific conversation are published as book chapters, articles in peer reviewed journals, conference papers &c. For the individual researcher, a major task involves identifying which of these published items are relevant to one’s research, to be able to study them and to respond.

Key concepts: relevance and order