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Last active April 19, 2018 13:00
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# Update installed Neo4j service configuration
# Script to illustrate the update service command.
# 1. Configure heap size in neo4j.conf; install and run service. Check memory config in debug.log.
# 2. Stop service and change heap size in neo4j.conf.
# 3. Run update service command
# 4. Start service and check memory config in debug.log.
$neo4jDir = Get-Item "C:\Neo4j\neo4j-enterprise-3.3.3\"
$debugLog = Get-ChildItem $neo4jDir -Filter "logs\debug.log" -File
$configFile = Get-ChildItem $neo4jDir -Filter "conf\neo4j.conf" -File
$configBackup = ($configFile | Get-Content)
function Get-EffectiveMemoryConfig {
Write-Output "[+] Checking debug.log for effective memory configuration"
$debugLog | Get-Content | Select-String -Pattern '(Total|Max)\s+memory:' | Select -ExpandProperty line
function Add-Configuration {
$configFile | Add-Content -Value $configLines
function Restore-Configuration {
$configFile | Set-Content -Value $configBackup
function Clear-DebugLog {
$debugLog | Clear-Content
Join-Path $neo4jDir -ChildPath "bin\Neo4j-Management.psd1" | Import-Module -Force
$debugLog | Clear-Content
# Add memory configuration to neo4j.conf; install and start service
Add-Configuration @("", "dbms.memory.heap.initial_size=300m", "dbms.memory.heap.max_size=500m")
Invoke-Neo4j install-service -Verbose
Invoke-Neo4j start
Start-Sleep 10
# Check debug.log for the effective memory configuration
# Stop Neo4j and change the memory configuration
Invoke-Neo4j stop
Add-Configuration @("", "dbms.memory.heap.initial_size=400m", "dbms.memory.heap.max_size=600m")
# Run update service command to update the service definition
Invoke-Neo4j update-service -Verbose
# Restart Neo4j
Invoke-Neo4j start
Start-Sleep 10
# Check debug.log for the effective memory configuration
# Clean up
Invoke-Neo4j uninstall-service -Verbose
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