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alandipert / index.cljs
Last active March 7, 2016 04:17
Hoplon dataflow positioning example
(page "index.html"
(:require [tailrecursion.hoplon.reload :refer [reload-all]]
[inputs :refer [slider]])
(:refer-hoplon :exclude [center]))
(defn px [x] (str (.floor js/Math x) "px"))
(defn xp [x] (int (.slice x 0 -2)))
jashkenas /
Last active November 29, 2023 14:49
Why Semantic Versioning Isn't

Spurred by recent events (, this is a quick set of jotted-down thoughts about the state of "Semantic" Versioning, and why we should be fighting the good fight against it.

For a long time in the history of software, version numbers indicated the relative progress and change in a given piece of software. A major release (1.x.x) was major, a minor release (x.1.x) was minor, and a patch release was just a small patch. You could evaluate a given piece of software by name + version, and get a feeling for how far away version 2.0.1 was from version 2.8.0.

But Semantic Versioning (henceforth, SemVer), as specified at, changes this to prioritize a mechanistic understanding of a codebase over a human one. Any "breaking" change to the software must be accompanied with a new major version number. It's alright for robots, but bad for us.

SemVer tries to compress a huge amount of information — the nature of the change, the percentage of users that wil

stathissideris / tree-seq-extra.clj
Last active July 2, 2023 11:33
Like Clojure's tree-seq, but with depth info for each node or the full path (recursive - blow up the stack for deep trees)
(defn tree-seq-depth
"Returns a lazy sequence of vectors of the nodes in a tree and their
depth as [node depth], via a depth-first walk. branch? must be a fn
of one arg that returns true if passed a node that can have
children (but may not). children must be a fn of one arg that
returns a sequence of the children. Will only be called on nodes for
which branch? returns true. Root is the root node of the tree."
[branch? children root]
(let [walk (fn walk [depth node]
laurentpetit / mutabots.clj
Last active May 12, 2021 23:21 — forked from cgrand/mutabots.clj
Reimplementation of transducers, in terms of processing functions instead of reducing functions. WIP.
(ns mutabots
"Reimplementation of transducers, in terms of processing functions instead
of reducing functions.
tl;dr: reducing-fn based transducers are a special case, influenced by reducers,
of processing-fn based transducers.
In Clojure 1.7.0-alpha2, transducers are expressed in terms of the existing
concept of reducing functions.
To sum it up, a transducer has currently the signature :
(defn unfold [continue? producer seed]
(coll-reduce [_ f]
(loop [init seed
seed seed]
(if (reduced? init)
(if (continue? seed)
(let [next (producer seed)]
favila / async-util.clj
Created November 28, 2014 17:06
Some missing pieces of core.async. as-transducer: Make a transducer function easily without Clojure 1.7. go-pipe: async/pipe, but returns the go-loop. fast-pipeline-blocking: faster than async/pipeline-blocking, but unordered results. blocking-consumer: consume a channel with multiple worker threads.
(ns favila.async-util
"Some missing pieces of core.async.
as-transducer: Make a transducer function easily without Clojure 1.7.
go-pipe: async/pipe, but returns the go-loop.
fast-pipeline-blocking: faster than async/pipeline-blocking, but unordered results.
blocking-consumer: consume a channel with multiple worker threads."
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async
:refer [go go-loop <! >! <!! >!! close! take! put! chan]]))
(:require [cljs.core.async :as a]
[racehub.schema :as rs]
[schema.core :as s :include-macros true]))
;; ## Utilities
(defn prune
"Takes a mapping of keys -> new key names and a map and returns a
map with nils removed and keys swapped where they're present in the
prakhar1989 /
Last active November 8, 2023 17:19 — forked from stijlist/gist:bb932fb93e22fe6260b2

Rich Hickey on becoming a better developer

Rich Hickey • 3 years ago

Sorry, I have to disagree with the entire premise here.

A wide variety of experiences might lead to well-roundedness, but not to greatness, nor even goodness. By constantly switching from one thing to another you are always reaching above your comfort zone, yes, but doing so by resetting your skill and knowledge level to zero.

Mastery comes from a combination of at least several of the following:

(ns datascript-to-datomic-util
(:require [datascript :as d]))
;;;; a utility to help with a datomic-datascript roundtrip process involving:
;;; 1. export some data from a datomic database and transact into a datascript instance.
;;; 2. perform one or more transactions against datascript.
;;; 3. transact the sum of all changes made against datascript back into datomic in a single tx
;;; this namespace contains two public functions:
;;; listen-for-changes: listen to datascript transactions and build up a record of changes