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Created October 2, 2018 20:35
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If ($MEMBERS_PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_1_FACULTY.SamAccountName -Contains $AdUser.sAMAccountName -and $PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_1_FACULTY_Applied -ne "True")
#Setup the bits that we don't want, because they are already present in the Project license and will cause an error otherwise...
# Define the Licence options
$FacultyLicenseOptions = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId $STANDARDWOFFPACK_FACULTY -DisabledPlans $DisabledPlans
#First we need to remove the standard licence..... in order to remove SHAREPOINTSTANDARD_EDU and SHAREPOINTWAC_EDU, we'll add the bits that we want back in a mo'
Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -RemoveLicenses $STANDARDWOFFPACK_FACULTY
Start-Sleep -s 30
Catch [System.Exception]
#Now set the new licence in place
$CheckUser=Get-MSOLUser -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName
Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -AddLicenses $STANDARDWOFFPACK_FACULTY -LicenseOptions $FacultyLicenseOptions
Catch [System.Exception]
# Then try putting the full Project licence in place
Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -AddLicenses $PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_1_FACULTY
Catch [System.Exception]
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