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JESSICA jkwok91

  • San Francisco, CA
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jkwok91 / barrier.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03 — forked from nmalkin/barrier.js
this is a thing nathan wrote. here is what i think this means
"use strict";
this is for simulating a 3 second request? response? a thing that takes 3 seconds to respond
function longRunningFunction1(onComplete) {
setTimeout(onComplete, 3000); // it takes a callback function that it will execute after 3 seconds
jkwok91 / file1lol.txt
Created October 23, 2014 05:58
this is a test gist to see if i know how to use curl
yo man sup
jkwok91 / helloworld.djs
Created October 23, 2014 06:46
helloworld in dogescript!
plz console.loge with 'hello, world'
jkwok91 / practice1.elm
Created October 27, 2014 04:29
ha ha ha ha!
{- here's a comment
there's a comment
everywhere a comment comment
-- more comment
main : Element
main = asText (findHypotenuse 3 4)
-- practice problem gave me sqrt as a builtin fn
jkwok91 / romanfuckinnumeralsbitch.js
Last active March 1, 2016 06:15
lol pbcopy. pbjelly. hehe. hehehe. heh. heh.
this turns a number into a roman numeral
and a roman numeral into a number
var NUMBERZ = {
1: 'I',
5: 'V',
10: 'X',
50: 'L',
jkwok91 / unicodeNoise.pde
Created January 11, 2015 05:20
imitating ben's rust sketch
unicode drawings
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
String[] unicodez = {
" ", " ", "▩", "█", "█"
jkwok91 / mergesort.hs
Created March 7, 2015 00:21
took me like a thousand years to realize that the end is [x] and not []... i've learned many times? fuck my life. if this is bad then i am sorry
merge xs [] = xs
merge [] xs = xs
merge (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x > y = y:(merge (x:xs) ys)
| otherwise = x:(merge xs (y:ys))
mergesort [] = []
mergesort [x] = [x]
mergesort xs = merge (mergesort (take n xs)) (mergesort (drop n xs))
where n = (length xs) `div` 2
jkwok91 / recruitingTipz1.js
Last active January 13, 2016 20:37
recruiters scraping github could put in a little more effort. especially when addressing me as JESSICA in all caps
/* test cases
assert is just a return a===b function. we all know this. these are strings. everyone relax.
assert("Jessica Kwok",format("JESSICA KWOK"));
assert("Jessica Kwok-Kwok",format("JESSICA KWOK-KWOK"));
assert("Jessica Kwok-$wok",format("JESSICA KWOK-$WOK"})); // this fails because i don't care enough
assert("Jessica Kwok-$$$$",format("JESSICA KWOK-$$$$"));
assert("J'essica",format("J'ESSICA")); // this fails too because am i a mind reader how should i know how you want your name formatted
jkwok91 /
Last active February 5, 2016 08:06
HackLub is hiring a full-time curriculum engineer

Want to work on open source full-time and bring coding clubs to high schoolers around the world? HackLub is hiring a curriculum engineer to build out our open-source club curriculum.

The ideal candidate is actively involved in the open source community, has professional experience as an engineer (or the open source equivalent), and is already involved in getting more people coding (whether through hackathons, meetups, or something else).

Comment or shoot me an email at if you're interested :-).

jkwok91 /
Last active February 27, 2016 10:16
i never use my goddamn powered baking converter (it makes a lot of mistakes and i never made a proper UI), so i decided to just whip up some quick python raw_input shit so i can bake some goddamn muffins right now
units = ["cup","tbsp","tsp"]
# ingred are grams per 1 cup
ingred = {
"cinnamon": 124.8,
"flour": 125,
"bread flour": 125,
"whole wheat flour": 125,
"cake flour": 113.398,
"butter": 226.888,
"baking powder": 220.973,